a LittLe bit...-mymP....! the mAn i waS wth U...-jimmY bOndOc...! mPanCn...-paoLo sAnTos...! nEw sNow...-piDo wth Tke1...! TiLL mY heaRtaChes End...-eLLa maE saiSon...! AnY LucKy PennY...-MIC..! rainBow...-soutHborder...! One caLL awaY...-ChinGy...!!!!! HoLidaE iNn...-ChingY....! TiPsY...-j. kwOn..! dami p...!!!!!! ehehee...!!!!
sPongebOb..., mTv...., mYx....., aXn...., HbO...., kim PossibLe...., Lizzie McguiRe..., sTar mOvies...., the simPsOns...., cLick...., sTar circLe Teen QuesT...! ehehehe..!! Ãœ