. . mEduSa. . profile picture

. . mEduSa. .

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

**mAriA kriSelle. . maH reAl nAme. .** friEnds caLl mE. . inEng. . ghAnne caLl's mE. . bhOk. . miKa caLl's mE. . whAa. .or bOneybaLoney!! *thAt mEan girL!! pAmz caLl's mE. . oRo. . mEechY caLl's mE. . liL siS. . jOps nD rhO caLl's mE. . lEsbi. . jOycE caLl's mE. . brU. . bUratchAy caLl's mE. . pRivatE inEng. . wOow!!. .**fEw oF mAh fAv nAmes. . hArhar. .** iLovE mAh friEnds. . sO mUch. . eAch onE oF thEm i trEasure a loT. .*drAma***iLove siNging. . *i siNgoUt nD lOud* lovEs mUsic. . *mOre oF altErnativE thEn sEnti***iLove fUshiA piNk nD grEen. .**idOnt wEar makEuP. . actuallY sOmetimEs. . *laUghs***ihatE fUckin nigGa who piSsed mE oFf. . *thE heLl. .* ihAte trYin hArd fAkers. . *oH yEah!!***ilovE tO pArtY evRybody dOes. .* crYmOdeOn. . taKasmOdeOn. . * iLove tO wAtch nD chiLl. . *tAmbaY khEt lA pEra***nOw. . fuLl timE studenT. . fUturE. . fAshiOn styList pArTtimE sinGer. . *siGhs***iLove piCturEs nd cAm fOne's. . *smiLes!!. . yEah. . ***imiSs mY lOng hAir. . *shiT tLg. . kCe nMn e. . ***maLling aT timEs. .*rEm thE dAyS!! stArbUcks nD mOcha frAp. . thE picK uP linE. . "niCe shOes!!" gAys!!***iM tOo sensitiVe. .*mOodY mNsan*. . gO w/ thE fLow kiNd. . *cgE lnG ng cgE bsTa nDi mhuLi. .* loUd. . cLumsY. . wEirdOo. .

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