"At first, just a guitar, but now the lyrics too..." - The Manavi
My name is Kendal. I play guitar and sing in pacific resonance. It’s just me really. I like to tell stories, so here goes. About 2 years ago I started writing some songs about my life and how things were going because I didn’t have any other way of getting things out. I kept the songs to myself and hardly let anyone hear them. This past January, I had compiled a bunch of songs, and I finally decided to record them, but...I didn’t have any recording gear. I was in a band for a few years (we broke up, but still), and my bassist owned a lot of recording gear, so I asked if I could borrow some. Well that was January and now it’s nearing the end of the year, and I still have the stuff. I’ve been recording my stuff for the past months of 06' to share with the world. I hope you like it. Some basics about like to play guitar, write, sing, play frisbee...I dont know guess anything really. I don’t really care if you DO or DO NOT wants to classify my music as emo, I just figured what the heck. A lot of people hate on "emo" bands, but it doesn’t even matter to me anymore. "Emo" is like a dead term these days where it means whatever people think it means. Let’s see....I am influenced a lot by the people around me, and by the world, but I still am myself. I enjoy photography, spoken word bands, and pretty much any form of art. I guess if you want to know all the details about me, go to my personal myspace: ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------
Pacific Resonance Is: Kendal Osborne.
His deep, emotional lyrics that are part of an elaborate set of stories that
combine to make a set of memories that many can relate to. Picking up the
guitar in 2003, he quickly learned how to play, but wasn't very interested in
acoustic; mostly he wanted to play electric in a indie-rock band. After writing
plenty of songs, he finally got an acoustic, just because he thought he would
experiment with different styles. The acoustic had an effect, and he was
sure he had finally found something that he could put his heart into. The
lyrics became more emotional; more meaningful; more personal,
and most importantly, more reliant. Writing became his passion. After being in the band "The Executives"
in late 2003 / Early 2004, he soon grew away from the acoustic and began getting into more
rock. A year
passed and he ended up in (which was the same band, just a different name and
style) Falling Freedom. Time went by, and FF broke up in May 2006. Pacific
Resonance formed as a main project. Influenced by many bands including Dashboard Confessional, Death Cab for Cutie, Weezer, Third Eye Blind, Damien Rice, and Coldplay, he has defined his own personal style and concept. In January of 2006, he began to play for the microphones as he started
to record his album "As Summer Dies". After recording fifteen songs, he decided to cut the album down to nine. After months and months of making songs and albums, Pacific Resonance has 9 CDs, however only 5 of them are in Print. The albums not in print were either re-recorded or B-Sides Albums that never would go anywhere. The 5 in Print are:
1. As Summer Dies [Take 2]
2. The Songs We Used to Sing: A Christmas Collection
3. The Most Beautiful Sound (Single)
4. Beau & Errors
5. Notebooks for Jayme [Take 2] COMING SOON
HELP KENDAL OUT! tell your friends, family, pets, enemies, pastors, neighborhood nuns, 2 year old cousins, Trinidadians, dentists, and anyone else about PR! spread the word!