Sexface profile picture


I am here for Dating

About Me

Hullo, I'm Sexface. I would like to discuss my origin in length, but I know so little of it. As far as I can recall, I was raised in the Piccadilly circus, where I was given the name Sexface due to my obvious facial differences. I became somewhat of a favourite attraction. Upon maturing, I became aware of strange urges I had, urges that I could not take care of by putting my fingers in my eyes or itching my nose. No, these were urges that forced me to leave the confines of the circus and envelope myself into the dark alleyways of London. It is in the darkness where I, in disguise and under the cover of fog and night, look for tarts and women of the evening to satisfy my rather "peculiar" tastes.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Ladies of the evening (or Painted Ladies, if you prefer). I prowl the streets of London every night looking for them, but Myspace should save me some time. I'm partial to large rumps onwhich I could place a wine glass and platter and literally... literally... dine.
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