Voting with your dollars is most simple and effective way for you to live your life as the empowered human being that you are meant to be. When you vote with your cash the vote can’t be tampered with, there are no bunk electronic voting machines, there are no ballet chad tampering scams and not bodies cousin buddy or brother who’s a Govenor making the laws and rigging the results. Think about it…it is a simple concept…reward those companies and individuals who have your best interests in mind by behaving honorably and responsibly producing high quality products in a manner that cares for the earth and considers your health. These companies are easy to identify, they don’t take the easy low cost low quality route of producing highly processed, chemically enhanced foods with high levels of preservatives and pesticides, which are all known causes of cancer, diabetes, obesity and a number of other serious illnesses that are plagueing our planet and it’s people. Support people who go the extra mile by producing organic, non-GMO, fair trade products. Voting with your dollars is easy, here is an abc, 123 aproach to voting with your dollars:Read the labels of the food , clothing or other products you purchase and make sure it is organic, look for these symbols for organic (place logos here for USDA Organic, Organ Tilth) Purchase green energy or produce your own clean energy like Solar, wind or Hydro (include explanations of the above) Buy as much locally grown or produced stuff as possible. If you have a local farmers market and they are selling organic food, buy it! Chances are the food will taste better, it will boost your imunities to allergies, colds, flues etc and you will be supporting your local economy. It is always a good idea to by goods such as clothing, pottery, surfboards etc from local artisans as well, Use public transportation, ride a bike or skateboard when ever possible. If you have to buy a car it is always smart to get one that boasts high milage (above 35 miles to the gallon) and has low emissions. If you can get a diesel car and run it off of bio fuel or straight veggie oil (info on bio diesel and veggie oil links) then you are the eco pimp. Hot tip- if you purcase a new model Volkswagon jetta TDI (turbo diesel) and run it off of bio diesel or veggie oil you will get up 55 miles to the gallon and be protecting the environment. Not only will you look badas, you will be able to take your hottie out to a gormet resturant that serves the taste organic grub with all the money you save screwing the greedy oil companies out of your hard earned cash. Smart people who drive pimpm eco rides are the sexiest people on earth. When Building anything use sustainable materials. There is a large variety of stuff you can use for paint, wood, toilets or just about anything. The following links will help you to build your wildest dreams, from the Eco Bling-Bling casa of your dreams to an eco skatepark it’s all possible in this modern world of wonder. Link up the wonders of the eco world. Eco Vacations? List eco vacation options throughout the world (especially surf and snowboard trips). Change your world [ideas from simple, challenging, eco-pimp; top 5 in each category and links to connect and empower these and other ideas] Top ten ways you can be like “the man†[this is like a “what’s hot/what’s not†list that comes up when you click on “taking action†use an icon between the “F-the man†and the “be like the man†lists some will link, some will just be an example of the positive “F the man†side] Drive a Hummer Support Bush administration environmental policies- click for info Smoke the leading tobacco company cigarettes Eat at fast food chains Drink mainstream colas/energy drinks Throw your recyclables in the trash Buy cheeseball crap from large department stores that is most likely made from slave labor in 3rd world countries Waste electricity by doing stupid crap like leaving all your lights on even when no one is around or by inefficient appliances Be a mindless consumer- buy whatever the advertising and commercials tell you and be a label whore Believe that having money makes you a better than other people Top ten ways to F “ the man†like an eco rock star Drive a bio-diesel or veggie oil powered vehicle Vote with your dollars- click for examples Grow your own organic plants Grow your own organic food Drink organic juice, tea, mate, soy smoothies Recycle Buy an organic cotton T-shirt from your local skate shop Use solar or wind energy to power your scene Research the products you buy – purchase items that have been recycled, are organic and made with fair trade labor or make it your own damn self! Realize that you are powerful beyond your imagination and use that power to help others.
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