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Cult Status

R.I.P...we are no more, check our members pages

About Me

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Desire is the single most defining emotion of the human psyche. The desire to love, to be wealthy, to belong, to control, to demean, to have or to have not the tangible or intangible, is the inertia that drives both the good and evil in society. Nothing is more powerful that the desire to belong to something greater than the whole. To exist in a state where everyone around you believes, understands and exists as you do. The only pitfall being that those that are desperate for fulfillment can be blinded by its veil of belonging. If one is to learn something from understanding the power of desire is to beware of falling into the trap of
Cult Status


This is a landmark regulation on human studies.We want to send
the message clearly, that certain kinds of human research can never be acceptable.

Rev. Jim Jones


...we begin our ascension....


My Interests


Member Since: 1/14/2006
Band Members:

Michael Compton - Vox
Darrell Daniels - Guitar
Matt Martin - Bass
Corky McCollum - Drums

Panama City, Florida

CULT STATUS Live at J. Krashes 9/23/06

a video from one of our biggest fans

Influences: Sabbath, Kiss, Motley Crüe, Deftones, Ozzy & his minion of guitar players, Tool, Priest,
Primus, Floyd, Static X, SHOVELHEAD, Pre-Pussified Metallica, The first Korn Album,
Metal Church,Santana, Iron Maiden, Queensryche, Screaming Cheetah Wheelies, Galactic,
Parliament Funkadelic, The Funk Brothers, Neil Diamond, Tarantino, Spielberg,
Lucas, George Romero, Richard Pryor, Monty Python, Seth MacFarlane
Samuel Jackson what a bad ass.

Sounds Like:

Type of Label: None

My Blog

A Van Ride to Our show w/ Rev Theory this Friday..

Hey we have a few seats left to ride to and fromFloyds Music Store in Tallahasseeto see my band CULT STATUS w/ Rev Theory, Fervor, 50lb headThis Friday.....we leave at 3 pm SHARP!!!!!!!Tix at the door...
Posted by Cult Status on Wed, 07 May 2008 07:00:00 PST

Hiatus Almost Over...Awaiting the Return!!!....

Hello Peops,Sorry its been so long without any updates and shows.We have been writing and re-writing new material (the best to date)and holding off playing out live until the new songs are solid.Its g...
Posted by Cult Status on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 03:44:00 PST


The buzz about the Home Grown Concert Series has really taken over Panama City and Panama City Beach We are proud to announce that the RED CROSS will have a booth in the merch area for donations and v...
Posted by Cult Status on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 12:05:00 PST

Online Article About Us!

Check this article out!  We had no idea it was there!  I just stumbled across it while looking for press stuff!  Go here!L8r!corky ...
Posted by Cult Status on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 06:01:00 PST