i am consistent at not being so...my phone makes me anxious so i hide it from myself and i love spicy condiments.
crosswords & canoodling! also; making lists, complaining, lounging, etc.
people who are cooler than me so i can like...be cool by association. this includes but is not limited to: fox mulder, frederic chopin mostly for his hands (& other people with beautiful hands), as well as vladimir nabokov.
ghost dad...i also dabble into various shia labeouf, james franco (not including the ape!) & arnold schwarzenegger films...
x-files, frasier, seinfeld, sealab, antiques roadshow, bbq with bobby flay
jules verne, nabokov, some cummings, madeline l'engle, certain children's books and many other things, but mainly classics
the founders/creators of nyquil and godiva, as well as will shortz, crossword genius.