being more psychedelic than you, being more psychedelic than all your friends and family, hanging everything that's awesome up with fishing line, sonic garbage mobiles, sonic truffle oil, mushrooms, the moog, the boxes, the matt, the twin peaks, being the prince of produce; formaggio kitchen, so much fucking produce, produce out'cha ears, amanitas, the "arboretum-franklinpark-foresthills" super triangle, the "london-newyork-tokyo" hardcore triangle, outdoor showers, outdoor beaches, outdoors. everything is better outdoors, trees.
more chicks, less dudes.
the use of sonice sculptures to present the most psychedelic of experiences.
(advanced audio palates inquire only)
(irish need not apply)
there's nothing more annoying to me than people that constantly reference real-life happenings to movies they have seen. "it's like that scene in scanners where that dude's head blows up".
i can appreciate television from the perspective of postmodernism. (dickhead!)
field guides, produce a-z, derrida.
we can be heroes.