Brian Aus Nord profile picture

Brian Aus Nord

Entropy sure isn't what it used to be...

About Me

I'm a twitching bag of highly complex amino acids. Neurotransmitters fire in my brain billions of times a second, causing thought, emotion, impulses, movement, and other parts of what make me a "human".

Aim = UpThePandaPunks.

My Interests

Violations of fundamental laws of physics. String theory. Freeganism. Taxonomy and biological classification. The keys of D Major and G Major; E-Flat Minor. Vegan food. Infectious diseases and parasites. Steampunk. The War of Northern Aggression. Ancient cultures and civilizations. The world as it was before C.E. 1910.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone from the seventh dimension.


I'm guessing you want some extensive band list to impress you?

Bluegrass, '80s hardcore, goth rock, noise,
doom metal, thrash metal, d-beat, baroque
era classical, acid rock, black metal, blues,
klezmer, '70s punk, rock and roll, folk,
powerviolence/fastcore, powerpop. I'm sure
you can figure it out from there.


Whatever catches my fancy.


Philip K. Dick
William S. Burroughs
Mark Twain
Hunter S. Thompson
Douglas Adams
Ray Bradbury
Isaac Asimov
Terry Pratchett.
George Orwell.
Mark Twain.
Joseph Heller.
Neal Stephenson.
Chuck Palahniuk.
Edgar Allen Poe.
And so on and so on.



My Blog

Done drinking, etc.

I'm done drinking for quite a while.It's prolly for the best, as well as a few other smaller and some major changes to my life.
Posted by Brian Aus Nord on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 01:10:00 PST

Bees. Fucking bees.

Dear bees,Seriously, guys; what the fuck? Is it really necessary to go so far out of your way to irritate me?I mean, come on. Wagner Park is a big park. It's a BIG fucking park, I think it's something...
Posted by Brian Aus Nord on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 11:01:00 PST

A lovely little story for all of you, courtesy of rule 34.

I know, old copypasta is old, but i feel this is worthy of sharing with the whole internets at 1:30 in the morning when I can’t sleep. Calvin lay there in bed, next to his tiger. His fourtee...
Posted by Brian Aus Nord on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 10:21:00 PST

Sometimes Louie says the greatest things ever.

deadboyinfernite (12:07:33 am): I've found that this world is a lot more manageable if you pretend you're living in a fantasy world full of cartoon bunnies, gnomes, and unicorns. endtow...
Posted by Brian Aus Nord on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 09:17:00 PST

I wrote a story.

On the side of the road, and old man and his son sat on the porch, watching the clouds go by; just like they did hour after hour, day after day, week after week.Everything constant, just like the old ...
Posted by Brian Aus Nord on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 06:41:00 PST

Brians rules of crowd surfing/stage diving.

Okay, as someone who goes to enough concerts to know what, exactly, is and is not annoying, I would like to set up some ground "rules", so to speak, that aren't exactly required, but really would be a...
Posted by Brian Aus Nord on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 11:15:00 PST

How to dine on about ten bucks a week.

If you're running on an extremely low budget, this is a delicious low-cost recipe for crock-pot mexican food that even Jeremy Untalent can afford. Should feed one person for about a week and a half, i...
Posted by Brian Aus Nord on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 02:03:00 PST