i like to try to play guitar.on that note every guitar player i have meet has been self centered and i would like to change that steriotypical view
matt theisen from relient k, and not just say whats up, really meet him
anything that is not country or rap that has a beat to it. Some examples are Underoath, The Elms, Oasis, The Beatles, Roper, Anathallo, For the fallen Dreams, Until This Day, Saosin, Sensus Fail ... and many more. If you really want to know then leave a comment and i will tell you.
Action Movies...nothing girly at all. Because i am a manly man.
smallville, and the O.C. because my girlfriend got me hooked. She is always renting the season episodes.
Superman, Hands down. But I'm not a hardcore fan that goes out and buys all the comics or anything, I dont have the money for that :)