GiNGR KiD profile picture


Red hair is a woman's game.

About Me

i read a lot
i'm a burner
i live in santa barbara
My house is "DFHY Headquarters"
(thats our burning man camp)
my roommates are my bf tyler
and andrew and shorty
PURE FILTH and SMOG are what i consider my crack...
i can't help myself... bass is sucha beautiful thing!
I work as a -digital producer-
aka fotoChop Geek
if i could live somewhere that was 80 degrees at all times... oooh...
i grew up in seattle, and most people can guess that about me
Most people find me either very quiet
or so sarcastic that they'd rather me just shut my mouth.
I would completely agree with that.
oh... and i love nectarines.

My Interests

Photography, music, driving, reading, playing fetch with my cat, burning man, tattoos

I'd like to meet:

Tom Robbins.

This is my long lost twin. NOT ME. Seriously. Shes gotta be.


Led Zeppelin, Daft Punk, Death Cab for Cutie, The Doors, Brazilian Girls, Portishead, Ratatat, Timbaland, Télépopmusik, Bright Eyes, Imogene Heap, The Faint, Bassnectar, 80's music, Pink Floyd, The Shins, there isnt much I don't like... Bass and LOTS of it, especially if I can dance to it...


The Believer, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, The Corporation, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind... I most likely haven't seen any classic you love, so any suggestions are welcome!


No Cable... its better that way.


Daniel Quinn, Chuck Palahniuk, Tom Robbins... a whole lot more


Anyone living the dream... if you love what you do, your a success in my eyes (generally!)