DR)'(KTR profile picture


Im not going to hell!! Im going to BURNINGMAN!!!...

About Me

Psychedelics, all of em. Im a tripper, Further than you... I live in Santa Barbara and work for a super tough software company. When im not working im usually making dubstep beats, smoking blunts, and thinking about burning Man. I like smoking large blunts with good homies, hanging out in nature, Psychonautics. I really enjoy blowing peoples minds in any way possible. Sometimes I confuse even myself, but damn is it fun. YOU WILL ALWAYS find me at Burning Man over Labor Day Weekend. I co-operate with the theme camp, DUDEFUCKINGHELLYEAH:SUPERULTRAGNARLYFUCKINGRAGECAMP. This will be my 3rd burn and second with DFHY. If you are out on the playa... Lets fucking RAGE. )'(


My Interests

Blunts, Bass, Blast Beats, Dank Burritos with Tapatio, Psychonautical Navigation, Contemporary Shamanism, Amateur Mycology, making noise with everyday objects, playing my organ...

I'd like to meet:

Psychonauts, Terrence McKenna, Alexander Shulgin, Mind Trippers, BluntSmokers, and Bluntrolling Bombshells.


I listen to and produce Dubstep, its an ultragnarly hybrid of bass music, reggae tunes, hip hop, and just about anything else you want to throw in the mix. Some people are unaware, but i really really enjoy metal. Blackmetal, grindcore, deth metal, thrash, anything with a heavy blast beat and blazing riffage. I also love Dub and reggae, most styles of Electronic dance music, techno, house...


Team America, Grandmas Boy, Superbad, Weeds 6 hour marathons.


FUCK TELEVISION Note* Netflixing a full season of a tv show and then watching it in one massive 6 hour block of multiple bongloads and burrito breaks, is NOT watching TV.


I Finally read a whole fucking book!!! The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


My Parents for cutting off everything but their love and letting the world kick my ass for a bit. Never understood why til now, but I wouldnt be Half of the Half of a man I am now. Also ZONGO, for taking me to Burning Man, and letting me know its not all party, but all thinking.

My Blog


                       This One Time At BurningMan...So I got back from the Burn a few days ago, and I am still struggling with Playamind in...
Posted by DR)'(KTR on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 05:40:00 PST

Mini Bman Hold You Over For The Real Big Blog, Blog

I am back. Unless you have been sleeping under a church pew the last year, you know that I went to Burning Man all last week.This is just a small blog for the epic blog to come. I know you fucks want ...
Posted by DR)'(KTR on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 05:09:00 PST

Radical weekends.

Just got back from a spacetrip in Compton. Which followed into a landing at the Ortega Spacestation. Excellent takeoff and excecution. Perfect.
Posted by DR)'(KTR on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 06:35:00 PST

Burningman At Random: A Burners Ramblings About PlayaMind And The Aftermath of BurningMan.

Why Burning Man? Why all day everyday I am constantly thinking about Bman? Thinking about camps and bikes, and people, and good vibes, and the dust. So many wild and amazing things that i cannot even ...
Posted by DR)'(KTR on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 07:58:00 PST