Neighbours!! I love it. I want hair like Pepper (thats the character not the seasoning!)
I'd really like to meet that bird from Tesco who attacked Maria and I with her basket, I think she had issues. Should've asked her if her father loved her enough or maybe he loved her too much ;-)Oh and Jake and Tiffany!
I like indie music, Pop music, songs from musicals, 60's,70's and 80's cheesey tunes and everything inbetween!
I love Gone with the Wind "No, I dont think I want to kiss you, although you need kissing badly, that's what's wrong with you... you should be kissed, and often, and by someone that knows how" How I long to hear that! I love comedy films and goldie oldies! I love films! So i'm not gonna name them all
MIGHTY BOOSH!!!! oh so funny! I like peep show, shameless, NEIGHBOURS is the best!! I like anything that makes me laugh really!
Everybody, except thems that are prisons or do naughty things that would put them in prison but they havent been caught yet, GOD SEE'S EVERYTHING!!!