still ray profile picture

still ray

I am here for Friends

About Me

I consider myself down to earth. Sometimes I'm shy, but I warm up quickly. I'm a t-shirt and jeans kind of gal. I will get dressed up, but only when necessary. I realize that assimilation is sometimes necessary in this life, but I think it's important to never lose yourself in the process when entering different environments. I like running, hiking, reading, writing, and losing myself in a daydream. I like planning. It makes me excited to start my day with a path to it, but I try to always leave room for spontaneous happenins'. I think that life is meant to be lived in the moment.

You Are 4: The Individualist
You are sensitive and intuitive, with others and yourself.
You are creative and dreamy... plus dramatic and unpredictable.
You're emotionally honest, real, and easily hurt.
Totally expressive, others always know exactly how you feel.
At Your Best: You are inspired, artistic, and introspective. You know what you're thinking, and you can communicate it well.
At Your Worst: You are melancholy, alienated, and withdrawn.
Your Fixation: Envy
Your Primary Fear: To have no identity
Your Primary Desire: To find yourself
Other Number 4's: Alanis Morisette, Johnny Depp, J.D. Salinger, Jim Morrison, and Anne Rice. What Number Are You?

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests

downloading/discovering/listening to music. dogs. cats. psychology. organizing and feeling I've accomplished something -- regardless of how long that feeling lasts:-P. running. basketball. dancing. trying to cook. eating! learning different languages and about different cultures. poetry. writing. reading. finding funky jewelry. every once in a while watching a good movie (if I don't fall asleep during it!). glbt. saving money. talking. listening. being outdoors. driving with my music on high volume. natural black hair-care. not stressing.

I'd like to meet:

New people! Especially those that try to move out of their comfort zone. I like learning people's passions, fears, and hates and what drives them. As for famous folks: Audre Lorde, Sigmund Freud, Diamanda Galas, Sia Furler, Ellen Degeneres, Dennis Kucinich.


Tegan & Sara, Rosie Thomas, Sara Bareilles, Sara Fimm, Chumbawamba, Bikini Kill, Erin McKeown, Bjork, Pink, Annie Lennox, Sia, Sade, Eric Clapton, Elton John, Jars of Clay (Much Afraid), Bob Marley, Cyndi Lauper, Alanis Morissette, Fiona Apple, Peter, Paul & Mary, Tracey Chapman, Me'shell Ndegeocello, Sarah McLachlan, Ingrid Michaelson, Jonatha Brooke, Kinnie Starr


If I had to pick one, it'd be Gentleman's Agreement. Then there's Matchstick Men, The Lion King, Memento, Traffic, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Tommy, RENT, Alfred Hitchcock, Little Miss Sunshine, The Green Mile, Beowulf, The Notebook, The Departed. Mmmm, most movies with Jack Nicholson, Denzel Washington, Gregory Peck, Toni Collette, Maria Bello, Jodie Foster,and Kate Winslet round out some I can dig.


Conan O'Brien, Law and Order, Pimp My Ride, Cold Case, Family Guy, King of The Hill, America's Next Top Model, The Vicar of Dibley, The L Word, Extreme Makeover Home Edition


Nobody Nowhere, Sputnik Sweetheart, Running With Scissors, The Edible Woman, A Wrinkle in Time, Many Waters, Otherland-City of Golden Shadow, John Donne, Rumi, Long Slow Burn.


My grandmother- Joan Lee and my godmother- Ann Heiligstedt.

My Blog

Sister Hazel

Floridians Sister Hazel camed down to Erskine tonight and performed. They were pretty cool. Had some very, very Southern accents. They seemed like nice guys that had some GREAT energy, and even per...
Posted by still ray on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 10:18:00 PST

influences on African-American girls

An interesting little video I found on Culture Kitchen called "A Girl Like Me", which was created by a 17-year old girl who wanted to question why people believe, feel, and do the things they do in re...
Posted by still ray on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 10:46:00 PST

little known stuff.

I've been tagged so here are the rules: Type ten facts about yourself that most people might not know.Afterwards, tag ten other people and explain why you chose them. Here we go! 1. I was very shelter...
Posted by still ray on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 08:49:00 PST


Weary in a double bubble of self and localized societytired of dreaming, treadmilling, and scheming sick of pleasant-faced propriety.Standing still while my neighbors fallin slow motion climbing acros...
Posted by still ray on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 10:11:00 PST

i really wanna...

learn a new language, in addition to what I should be doing (keeping up with German even a little bit, since I finished my requirements last fall) so that the knowledge I have doesn't disintegrate in ...
Posted by still ray on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 08:13:00 PST

last night, I dreamt that I was feeding seals in my old backyard. they were hungry.

Seal To see a seal in your dream, indicates your playfulness and your ability to use and incorporate differing ideas and thoughts into a situation. Seals are a symbol of good l...
Posted by still ray on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 06:13:00 PST


Aah, I know I never update this.  Myspace's a place that I use to try to connect with people, but not so much in journal form.  Well happy early-Christmas, here's a little blurb on what...
Posted by still ray on Wed, 23 May 2007 07:32:00 PST


Trapped inside of my own mindduring mornings, afternoons, evenings, and nightsI become trapped in the perfume of my own thoughts about the pastabout the futurecan not concentrate on nowwondering, wan...
Posted by still ray on Tue, 15 May 2007 02:48:00 PST

Musician Updates

There are a couple of artists whose music I am really enjoying right now. One of those is Regina Spektor.  Right now I am in love with her song called "Samson".  Look for it on youtube or h...
Posted by still ray on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 09:21:00 PST


Type the first thing that comes to your mind.  I ganked this from a blog called Yourself: coldYour partner: beautifulYour hair: shortYour mother: distantYour father: unkn...
Posted by still ray on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 12:10:00 PST