I can pretty much sum myself up with a few words:
0.5. I have Celiac Disease. Basically, I can't eat anything with gluten in it, or my immune system attacks my intestines, and I basically feel horrible for the next week. I have to miss a lot of my classes because of it.
1. I love music. It's the only reason how I can stay sane sometimes.
2. I love piercings. Currently, I have two holes in each lobe, one at 1/2 inch, the other at 16g, a 14g industrial, and a 14g septum. I've retired two... vertical labret and a regular one.
3. I'm a psych major in the middle of Maryland.
4. I'm a vegetarian! Everyone loves one. Hug your local vegetarian.
5. I do this little program called the radio station here on campus. You should check it out... I'm on from 4-6PM on Sundays. Join the facebook group for more updates.
6. I drive a 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee... it's the one that's got all the bumper stickers on it.
7. I love working out, even though I totally don't look like it at all. I'm a freak like that.
8. I snowboard, but i'm horrible at it.
9. I wake up at abnormal hours in the morning.
10. I text really really fast...
11. I'm from new Jersey. Don't dis, yo.
12. I have an unhealthy obsession with Katie from Horton Hears a Who.
13. I'm almost a DC model! I just have to wait for the head shots to get over there. :)