Hanging with my woman, rocking out, playing vintage board games, writing tunes, shuckin' the jive with friends, gettin' dirty-then gettin' clean, riding around on my Green Machine, playing GI Joes with my son, writing, painting, cooking and trying to find the whereabouts of the ever-elusive Ernst Stavro Blofeld.
No particular order: Josh Homme, PJ Harvey, Jimmy Carter, Will Ferrell, Scott Gorham, Tom Jones (again-yeah, that's right...), Salma Hayek (yow!), Robert Downey, Jr., Bruce Dickinson, Dave Grohl, Lena Olin, Lee Majors, William Shatner, Evelyn Glennie, that one guy down the street and the whole of Ireland. DEAD PEOPLE I'D LIKE TO MEET IF THEY WERE STILL ALIVE, in no particular order: my Dad's dad, Kurt Vonnegut, Phil Lynott, JFK, Jimi Hendrix, Robert Mitchum, Henri Cherriere, Jimmy Stewart, Donna Reed, Steve McQueen, Jack Lemmon, Ghandi, MLK, Ian Fleming and most DEFINITELY Sammy Davis Jr.
I dabble in and enjoy playing and listening to most anything, but my heart and soul lie with THIN LIZZY, Dave-era Van Halen (none of this 'Sam Halen' shit), Deep Purple and of course
..1 of all time-It's A Wonderful Life. Not in any order: Von Ryan's Express, Kiss Meets the Phantom, Goodfellas, Where Eagles Dare, The Quiller Memorandum, The Ipcress File, The Odessa File, Marathon Man, The Kids Are Alright, all Connery Bond films (except 'Never Say Never Again'...that's a joke), Big Lebowski, Decline Of The Western Civilization, Occurance At Owl Creek, Anchorman, Our Man/In Like Flint, various '60's Godzilla movies, millions more that I can't think of at the moment...
We still live in the stone age-we still don't have cable, but I swear that 'Spy School', a BBC program that aired here last year on PBS, is (at least until they decide to do a new season of it) the best show I have ever seen on television. 'Knight Rider', 'ChIPS' and the original 'Star Trek' are all tied for second. One can also probably say that I think anything Ricky Gervais does is basically brilliant. Blanket statement, I know, but he hasn't let me down yet.
The Tao Te Ching, Papillon, Breakfast of Champions, Stpephen King's 'Bachman Books' and the Oxford English Dictionary ('cuz spelin werds iz cool).
My wife, my dad, my mom, my brother and my son...thirty years ago it was Evel Kneivel, but it ends up he was kind of an asshole. Oh-and Mr. Fred Rogers. Yes, I'm serious.