my interests are movies, music, thrift store shoppin, and learnin something new everyday!!! And of course meeting NeW PeOpLe :)
Anyone who wants to meet me! And also Brandon Boyd!!!!
I love music and i love going to concerts!!!!! im not about to list all of the bands i like because there are a whole lot. BuT I suggest these because they are my top FaV. THE SHINS, all of the GARDEN STATE cd, bLOCK PaRTy, ThE KiLLeRS,& PeAcHCaKe
~All JacK bLaCk, JiM CaRey, ChRis FaRley, MiKe MyeRs movies!!!!! ~Napoleon Dynamite~ ~Old black & white films~ ~Office space~ ~Tim Burton films~ ~GARDEN STATE~~~~LOVE this MOVIE & SOUNDTRACK!!!!! there's more too many to name......:)
Grey's Anatomy!!!! The Office!! King of Queens!! Flip that HOuse!! Anything on HGTV and some TLC!
i hardly read but if you like INCUBUS please get White Fluffy Clouds by Brandon Boyd!!!!
my mOm =)