Dance,camping,floating,poker,darts,video games and much morea
Old and new friends Maybe meet a great girl thats is ready to have a great relationship with me.
I like almost everything but here is a list of a few favorites. Hudson and the Hoodoo Cats, Mike Buble', Benny Goodman, Dean Martin , Aerosmith, Kiss , Frank Sinatra, Nickelback, and many many more .....
Comedy: Tommy Boy and Happy Gilmore,Team America,.. Action: Lethal weapon, Patriot, Braveheart,Die Hard,.. Drama: Swing Kids, Shawshank Redemption,Old Yeller... Scary: Mothman Prophicies,Aracnophobia,Texas ChainSaw MAS...
Family Guy, King of the Hill,Old School SNL Free Myspace Graphics,How I met your Mother,CSI VEGAS,NCIS,Smallville...
DA VINCI CODE,Treasure Island, The grapes of Wrath, To Kill a Mockingbird Maxim Magazine, Stuff and FHM,