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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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Hmm... It's hard to describe me in just a paragraph..but I'll say a bit..I'm the oldest of 7 twin sister is 2 minutes older than me! :)5 sisters and 1 brother! I grew up dancing my whole life and began teaching at the age of 15. My family is one of the most important things in my life so I try to spend most of my time with my hubby and son. I love being a mom..It's the greatest gift I've ever gotten. I can't stand fake people. I don't like drama, I get enough of that through work etc.I like people who are willing to share their heart and be real about who they are. I've been through a lot of crap in my life but it has made me a stronger person.I love to dance and sing and hang out with my friends. and of course I'm a chick so shopping... I am also a HUGE DISNEY FAN.I used to work out there. Anything to do with disney I love. I am shy at first but then once ya get to know me I'm pretty out going! I like to swim, play guitar, go for walks...I also like karaoke, watching movies, and watch my son explore and learn new things! And our family loves wathcing Friends! I also like to be able to pee in private!! I don't get to do that often with a toddler in our house! :) I miss being able to be a youth counselor.. my time is limited now that I am a mom. I love to cuddle with my hubby, spending time with my CRAZY sisters and bro. Sometimes it's hard to remember what my hobbies are b/c I get so wrapped up in my son and family responsibilities...but when I do have free time..I love games and hanging out with friends! :)

My Interests

a href=" _page.html">Spending time with my husband and son and family! Dance-ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, guitar, singing, shopping, hanging out with friends,karaoke, movies. .. Click here to get Falling Objects .. .. ..

I'd like to meet:

My audition video for Disney's Chief Magic Official! :) Let me know what you think! :) Hmm..I'm not one who gets star struck..I've worked with many famous people and they are just people!.... I don't like to put people on a pedalstool b/c once they are off, you can get hurt..However, I do admire many people... I think it'd be cool to meet Laurie Ann Gibson sometime. I love her choreography! And oprah, I think she's done a lot to change many people's lives. ANY PERSON WHO WANTS TO TAKE DANCE LESSONS.. CHECK OUT MY DANCE STUDIO PROFILE... MYSPACE.COM/NORTH STAR DANCE ACADEMY! :) ADD ME AS YOUR FRIEND. :) (YOU CAN ALSO LOOK ON MY FRIENDS IT'S IN MY TOP 8.


Melinda doolittle,Kelly Clarkson,Chris daughtry,katharine mcphee,edward mccain, switchfoot, jars of clay, rebecca st. james, 50 cent, jewel, outkast, gwen stefani, alanis morrisette, jaci valesquez, barbara streisand, mariah carey, celine dion, black eyed peas, clay aiken


- Get Your Own
50 first dates, ringer, honey, beauty and the beast, center stage, 9 months, monster in law, wedding singer, pretty woman, what women want, passions of christ, save the last dance, boat trip, while you were sleeping, I am sam, never been kissed, sister act, how to lose a guy in 10 days, raising helen, notebook


FRIENDS, american idol, starting over, dancing with the stars, laguna beach, made, passions, scrubs, punk'd, boiling points, candid camera, girls behaving badly


when do I ever get time to read?


I try not to have any..then you don't get dissapointed. IF it would be anyone..Jesus he can never let ya down.

My Blog

A different path..A blessing in disguise

I am starting to realize that not working on my dance studio right now, if I do decide to continue to pursue it, is a blessing in disguise. I have more time with my family which is very important to m...
Posted by Christina on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 06:57:00 PST

A different path..A blessing in disguise

I am starting to realize that not working on my dance studio right now, if I do decide to continue to pursue it, is a blessing in disguise. I have more time with my family which is very important to m...
Posted by Christina on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 06:57:00 PST

under construction

To all of you who have inquired about our dance studio:We have decdided to put the dance studio on hold for a while. My business partner has decided to go in a different direction so I am doing things...
Posted by Christina on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 02:44:00 PST

Our Dance studio

    Ok.. so it's official...our dance studio is called....ALL STAR DANCE ACADEMY (ADA) Now we need to find a lawyer, accountant, plumber and electrician..anyone know any of these t...
Posted by Christina on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 11:48:00 PST

My dance studio

Hey Guys! My friend Katherine and I are going to be opening up a studio and owning it together. I'm super excited.. However, we have to come up with a name for our studio. Please write with your sugge...
Posted by Christina on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 02:26:00 PST