Electronic music. Electric music. Acoustic music The music in your head.
People who like music, dancing, arguing and getting mashed. People that make music for the hell of it and and those that help them on their way. Remember, kids. Music isn't a business; it's a contact sport.
Choke uses and endorses the following products: Gravenhurst, Ivory Springer, Big Joan, Bronnt Industries Kapital, Fruit of The Doom, SJ Esau, Geisha, Hunting Lodge, Part Chimp, Bilge Pump, Bucky, Rose Kemp, Kiska, Ex Models, Madnomad, Steveless, Chikinki, Mooz, The Girl From Headquarters, Twocsinak, Shooting At Unarmed Men, Tsuji Giri, Morning Star, Team Brick, Hustler, King Alexander, Starfighter-X, Giddy Motors, Male, Knowledge of Bugs, Jackie O, Flamingo 50, Being 747, The Mighty Stars, Angel Tech, The Playwrights, RLF, Charlottefield, Sammo Hung, Stig, Shitmat, 3Hostwomexicansandatinofspanners, Binray, Fixit Kid, Lilydamwhite, The Signal, Todd, Exit Wound, Stuffy / The Fuses, Collapse, Loz Kolezsko, Matt Elliott, The Martini-Henry Rifles, Caroline Martin, North Sea Navigator, The Understudy Inferior, Klang, Suitable Case For Treatment, The Suicidal Birds, Tractor, Pricktaster, The Great Leap Forward, Misty's Big Adventure, A Lion, Mugstar, Rasha Shaheen, Oil Experts, Erase Errata, The Hellset Orchestra, Jeremy Smoking Jacket, The Scaramanga Six, War Against Sleep, Brute Forsyth, New Grand Smoking Palace, An Emergency, Patrick Duff, The Fabrics, The Sonar Yen, Mole Harness, My Two Toms, Onanist Homework Robot And The Guano Ignoramus, Bronze Age Fox, Chang, Mclusky, My Ambulance Is On Fire, Keyop, The Courtesy Group, Hacksaw, The Sunnyvale Noise Sub-Element, Skullsailor, You & The Atom Bomb