Meursault profile picture


Anyone whose goal is 'something higher' must expect someday to suffer vertigo.

About Me

I'm a postgender charter member of the junior anti-sex league (established 1984). I enjoy incense, magick, and comic books. I am also, apparently, a punk weasel. Awesome.
Or oars. You know, whatever.
Oars OF SOUL CRUSHING REALIZATIONS, that is.In the boat there is a fishing pole of heartbreak. I just caught a fish of PAIN with a hook of DESPAIR and I'm about to gut it with a knife of suicidal tendencies. Then I will cook it, with a frying pan of anguish, in the kitchen of angst.
This isn't meant to be a novella; you either know me or you don't, and if you don't getting to know me is more than reading an incredibly biased synopsis. Interests to the left, oh snap all caps lolwut
(What you really want to know: AIM- organism013, Yahoo- zeromirabilis MSN- [email protected])

My Interests

theatre, comix, comics, novels, things made of paper with words in them, underground film, aboveground film, good music, bad music, inbetween music, pulling up in a million trucks looking smelling feeling like a million bucks, invisiblism, futurism, postgenderism, transhumanism, if-i-make-up-a-word-and-put-"ism"- on-the-end-does-it-make-it-a-way- of-life-ism cats, animals in general, wordplay, puns, well-behaved intelligent children, catch-22's, oxymorons, as above so below, nonbinary situations, the word "and", magic, meditation, hockey, genderblending, gener in genderal, and a host of other things./div

I'd like to meet:

Hey look, you can comment without scrolling through a bunch of other comments if you want. It's pretty nifty.


And more


Films I own and presumably enjoy: Margaret Cho: Assassin, Austin Powers, Bedazzled, Being John Malkovich, Camp, Chasing Amy, Chicago, Dancer In The Dark, The Edukators, Fight Club, The Good Girl, Green Legend Ran, High Fidelity, Kill Bill Vol 1, Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Lost In Translation, Mean Girls (faggy), Moulin Rouge (faggier), Natural Born Killers, THE PIANIST (a fucking beautiful film), Princess Mononoke, Reefer Madness, Rent, Run Lola Run, Saved, the Color Purple, The Stepford Wives, The Truth About Cats And Dogs, X1 and 2.
Films I don't own, but really, really like: A Clockwork Orange, The Addams Family, Akira, Amelie, American Beauty, American Psycho- even though it did completely miss the point of the book, Batman, Batman Begins, Batman Returns, Beavis And Butthead Do America, Better Than Chocolate, Blade Runner, Breast Attack On Fuck Mountain, Bridget Jones' Diary, Cruel Intentions, Donnie Darko, ET, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Full Metal Jacket, Ghost in the Shell- just the first one thanks, Ghost World, Gladiator, Hackers, Hedwig And The Angry Inch, The Iron Giant, The Invincibles, Johnny Mnemonic, The Matrix (just the one, I already feel dirty that Keanu Reeves is on here twice), My Fair Lady, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Opposite Of Sex, Pi: Faith In Chaos, Planet of the Apes, The Princess Bride, Priscilla: Queen of the Desert, Psycho, Requiem For A Dream, Romeo + Juliet, The Royal Tenenbaums, Secretary, Sliding Doors- i know, i know, Spaceballs, The Sound Of Music, Spider-Man, Spun, Stigmata, Tank Girl- though I prefer the comic, Thirteen, To Wong Foo: Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar, Trick, and I'm sure quite a few more
Films I own and haven't gotten around to watching yet: Cinema Paradiso, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, The Big Lebowski, Zero Effect


Oh, television. I watched half an episode of family guy the other day, and was really full


Books I'm reading/have just finished:
The Sound And The Fury
A Room With A View
The Remains Of The Day
Glamorous Disasters
The Dharma Bums
My favourite authors, as follows:
Adams, Douglas. Asimov, Isaac. Austen, Jane. Burroughs, William S. Bradbury, Ray. Bronte, Charlotte. Burgess, Anthony. Cho, Margaret. Dick, Phillip K. Dunn, Katherine. Ellis, Bret Easton. Franzen, Jonathan. Gaiman, Neil. Kafka, Franz. Kramer, Larry. Kundera, Milan. L'Engle, Madeline. Pamuk, Orhan. Shakespeare, William, sometimes theorized to be others. Stephenson, Neal. Stewart, Jon. Tea, Michelle. Thompson, Hunter S. Vonnegut Jr., Kurt.
And then there are the comics.
1602, The Authority, Bear, Bone, Cable and Deadpool, Calvin and Hobbes, Deadpool before it sucked, Death, Ex Machina, Fables, Fell, Girls, (are you on the) Global Frequency, The Invisibles, Johnny the Homocidal Maniac, MAUS,, Miracleman, Planetary, Preacher, Runaways, The Sandman, Squee, Transmetropolitan, Truer Than True Romance, (who watches the) WATCHMEN, (insert adjective here) X-(any and all motherfuckers), Y The Last Man.


is a pretty good show

My Blog

Holy shit myspace log entry

So i'm sitting on the bus. Awesome. I can't get ahold of lj, so, here we are..... I'm fucking tired as hell. Taking smoking out of the equation apparently takes away my energy as it gives me back my ...
Posted by Meursault on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 07:53:00 PST

what paper

1. Does someone love you?i AM love.2. Do you know anyone named Dave?I sure do. The first one that springs to mind is Dave Harris. I still have to make that salmon avocado salsa. Mmm.3. Ever kissed any...
Posted by Meursault on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 02:35:00 PST

the moon etc.

It's five AM and the dog next door has started barking it's fool head off at, from what I can tell, absolutely nothing. I'd be more annoyed if I hadn't been up since two (which has been happening quit...
Posted by Meursault on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 06:02:00 PST

It had to be said.

Alright, let's play What Life Would Be Like If I Reviewed Films:The Matrix Trilogy:Neo (Keanu Reeves, looking more slackjawed than usual) saves the human race from the obtusely explained mental-net-so...
Posted by Meursault on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 04:31:00 PST

hey now, hey now

I heart hipsters. I heart hipsters because the cool new thing to do is hate hipsters, and it's been proven time and time again that if you hate a subculture, however vapid it might be, it will get mor...
Posted by Meursault on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 01:29:00 PST

was ist toll

the week so far:Sunday:Closed the show. Was witness to scads of porn being posted backstage to fuck with the resident prankster, who for the last three weeks had delighted in putting random things ons...
Posted by Meursault on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 04:24:00 PST


HP is the 43rd book that I've read this year; that leaves 17 left in my goal of 60. Sigh. One day my quest to become an Interesting Person will reveal it's frivolity/futility and then I'll be well and...
Posted by Meursault on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 04:56:00 PST


Posted by Meursault on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 05:33:00 PST

i wanna be a cctv superstar

It suddenly occurred to me a moment ago that we spend an increasingly large amount of time being watched. Just reviewing my lifetime I've noticed an exponentially increasing level of surveilance, in s...
Posted by Meursault on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 04:09:00 PST

a letter found on the road

My dearest _______,I'm in Santa Rosa with forty-eight dollars in my pocket and everything tastes like blood. I miss you terribly- for the last three days i've been using your name as a kind of mantra,...
Posted by Meursault on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 01:33:00 PST