corinne profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I change my mind too much. I think too much. My mouth can't keep up with my brain or maybe vice versa. I have an ever-changing philosophy of how to live life. I love morning coffee. I love trinkets. I can go from 0 to boiling in less than 5 seconds, but I can cool off just as quickly. I'm too picky about what I associate myself with so I end up with no identity or conflicted identities. I have really brilliant friends and family. I have a really amazing, supportive, and creative boyfriend who's also super hot. How often does that happen? I cry in public a lot. I cry more about things that inspire me these days than things that are disheartening. How refreshing! I think I should've been an actress instead of a musician. I love potty humor. I love doing headstands. I'm enjoying growing up. I breath in the good and breath out the bad. I love creating music.This all will change tomorrow

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

People with a zest for life. I'm so tired of cynicsm (is that how you spell it?) and rigidness. Life is short. Let's play!