Immortalis Incendium (NEW SONG) profile picture

Immortalis Incendium (NEW SONG)

Working on new material.

About Me

The sky is my canvas; my paint has long since dried…
Residing in the suburbs of Durbanville, Immortalis Incendium is led by visionary, Heino Brand.
Members, Brand, Webb and Jansen van Rensburg fuse together to produce what can be described
as a sonic firestorm and at times a gentle summer’s rain. Immortalis Incendium started out as a one
man project by Heino Brand, it was only later 2006 that David Webb and Jacques Jansen van
Rensburg, joined the journey.
Feel my breath as morning dew, pale, pastel scenery…
At present, Immortalis Incendium is unsigned and busy writing material for a yet untitled release,
later this year. Helping out with recordings are Jacques du Toit (drums) and Peter Crafford (melodic
vocals).Upcoming shows are in the pipeline, but no dates are confirmed yet.
Concept by Heino Brand
Layout created by
a r t & d e s i g n

My Interests


Member Since: 1/11/2006
Band Members:
Heino Brand:
Guitars, vocals and programming.

Jacques J v Rensburg:
Bass guitars.

Influences: The observation of humanity’s, visor, partaking in the austere movement of ‘everyday life’.

Sounds Like:
Mors Principium Est
Soilwork [older]
Eternal Tears of Sorrow

Record Label: Open to offers [see contact details].
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Update: April 2008

Hello to everyone! It’s been quiet for quite some time now, so I thought it appropriate to break the silence.Reason for the absence in updates is due to me being a lazy bum and trying to finish ...
Posted by Immortalis Incendium (NEW SONG) on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 07:48:00 PST