Casmira profile picture



About Me

What's there to tell? Married my high school sweetheart, (and stayed married, go figure.) had three kids... (and still have all of them too... though some-times... let's just say I now thoroughly understand the meaning of the term "Arsenic Hour" :) I wish I could say I was some fabulously rich jetsetter when I go to my 20 year reunion, but I know better... I'm more along the lines of white trash... but not. How do I explain this... how 'bout Rosanne Barr meets Martha Stuart. My house is a constant state of confusion... but it's clean... Layout Provided By - Myspace Layouts

My Interests

Getting my kids through to their 18th year without too much damage, drawing (mostly with soft pastels), gardening, cooking.If you do nothing else on this profile, watch this video...Your results:
You are Catwoman Catwoman 90% Hulk 85% Wonder Woman 80% The Flash 75% Green Lantern 75% Supergirl 65% Spider-Man 55% Batman 55% Robin 52% Iron Man 50% Superman 15% You have had a tough childhood,
you know how to be a thief and exploit others
but you stand up for society's cast-offs.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...

Never Date a Cancer
Clingy, emotional, and very private - it's hard to escape a Cancer's clutches.
And while Cancer will want to know everything about you, they're anything but open in return.

Instead try dating: Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, or Aquarius What Sign Shouldn't You Date?

I'd like to meet:

...the person who put a dent in the passenger side door of my '71 Camaro in 1995 when I was too pregnant to chase after him...START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Strange questions
What is the closest thing to you that is orange?: 20th Century Bookkeeping and Accounting - elementary course
Do you have a drinking problem?: nah.
What was your weirdest dream??: Ya know, I actually took the time to write it down once -- it took three looseleaf pages. I don't think we have that kinda time here.
Have you ever almost burned down a house?: 1995. Leaving the kitchen with thin steak on broil is not something I would recommend.
Does it annoy you when people act stupid for attention?: Acting stupid? Yes. Naturally stupid? Well, that's just an inconvenience. There's a fine line.
What would people think if they could read your mind?: They'd be as baffled as I am at the fact that I just spent the last 86 seconds of my life on how to answer this question.
Do your parents know your darkest secret?: I was once dragged kicking and screaming to the priest for having premarital sex. After that, all incriminating thoughts were swept under the proverbial rug.
What is your darkest secret?: Ask the rug.
You ever had a near death experience with a sheep?: Who writes this shit?
Have you even seen anything that you wish you didn't see?: Damn. Now I'm thinking of it again. I HAD put it out of my mind.
Have you ever had a deadly experience with a wild animal?: Now, if it were a deadly experience, I wouldn't be answering this question, would I?
Do you like dressing as a slut on halloween?: Before I had my kids? Yeah. Totally dug it. But now -- I just keep thinking of that old granny-looking thing on 'Not Another Teen Movie'. Eww.
Are you a slut all year long?: Dude. I'm not even going to dignify that with a response.
What age did you stop believing in santa claus?: There's no Santa???
What sound makes your ears want to bleed?: The squeaky sound that popcorn makes in your head when it rubs against clean teeth.
Who is the ugliest person you can think of?: CarrotTop. He reminds me of a Ringling Bros. clown. I have a problem with clowns.
What doctor do you dread seeing the most?: Dentists. They're not even real doctors ya know. They're really accountants with medical degrees.
What do you think the most pointless store at the mall is?: I've seen real estate agencies at the mall. Honestly, who goes to the mall to buy a house? And you think those shoes were overpriced?
Have you ever woke up and you were crying?: Yes. We'll just leave it at that.
Do you like to dance on table tops?: I can't dance. But be that as it may, noone should dance on any tabletop made after 1960. There's really no pride in craftsmanship anymore.
Have you ever used a copy/scaner machine inappropriately?: No. They really do need a full time copy editor at Bzoink.
Which of your friends is most likely to pass out drunk?: Jef. Although after he drinks THAT much, he's much more likely to be knocked out cold.
Which of your friends is most likely to go streaking?: Hmm. I don't think I know that many people. I suppose _____'s into trying new things. But considering I may actually post this, we'll let that person remain anonymous.
Has a llama ever spit on you?: I say again...Who writes this? Someone out there has WAY too much time on their hands. So no, a llama has never spat in my general direction. But a moose once bit my sister.
Have you ever eaten seaweed?: Not intentionally.
What is the strangest things you've ever eating?: I'm guessing that grammatic nightmare was an attempt to ask what strange things I've eaten. See above.
Do you think the president is hot?( I hope you don't cuz that is just wrong: I beg your pardon? Don't ask me a question and then make a requirement of my answer! Jeeze! Well. I just won't answer it then.
Type " turkey sandwich on pizza while butchering a pig" with your eye close: Just one eye? Where's the fun in that? Tell me to do it with my hands tied behind my back! At least make it challenging.
Have you ever broken into someones home?: My own. Several times. Others? --- Not so much.
Where is the best place the hide a body?: If I tell you, then you go and tell somebody, and they tell somebody and before ya know it everybody will know...and it'll just get so crowded I won't wanna go there anymore.
Have you ever yelled at non living things?: C'mon! That's a national pastime. Don't you watch Monday night football?
Have you ever lived in a box on the street?: How 'bout a mustang in a truck stop? That's gotta count at some level.
Do you help old people accross the road?: No. I believe natural selection should run its course.
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'skotta beat...I can sway to doesn't suck...then I'll listen. But... if I had to choose what I'm most likely to listen to... Stevie Ray Vaughn, Etta James, Bonnie Raitte, The Sacred & Profane, Ray Charles, Miles Davis, Nat King Cole and Billy Joel... when I want to get back to my Long Island-Newsday roots.

You are The Empress

Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation.

The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents, beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful.

The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.


(Not in order...) Gun Shy, While You Were Sleeping, anything Monty Python ("Grail" should be required viewing before you are permitted to take anything else out at Blockbuster), Galaxy Quest, Pride and Prejudice (the BBC version with Colin Firth. Anything else is slanderous to good Miss Austen's name.), if it has Matthew McConaughey in it, it's worth watching... at least once. If it has Sean Connery in it it's worth buying... and possibly framing.


I love recordable TV!!!! :) Lessee... 24, Bones, Medium (Patricia Arquette's my friggin hero), My Name Is Earl, Gilmore Girls (There. I said it.), Smallville (though it's grasping, of late), pretty much anything on the Discovery Channel and Jeopardy - when I don't have to scream at my kids to be quiet so I can hear the questions.


All Jane Austen (I'm a closet romantic); The Pen Commandments by Stephen Frank; Goodbye, Columbus; The DaVinci Code; Jane Eyre and... (I'm a bit shy to mention...) JK Rawling. (I thieved them when my 10 yr old wasn't looking)


My mom. (and anyone who can get gas prices down under $2 a gallon.)

My Blog

Body Language

Not that kind of body language... get your mind out of the gutter boys.This is actually regarding a book I read the other day. Maybe I'll review the finer points of the human anatomy at a later date. ...
Posted by Casmira on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 02:13:00 PST

Whats buggin me

Growing up on the north shore of Long Island in the late 70s, I didn't do a whole lot of TV watching. In fact, most of my childhood was spent outside  making mudpies, riding bikes, swinging for hours...
Posted by Casmira on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 12:26:00 PST

Mom has an answer...

All too often when I call my mother to complain (as I inevitably do) about the lastest happenings in my life, I am invariably told that "God wouldn't throw you anything he thought you couldn't ha...
Posted by Casmira on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 02:22:00 PST

That's the problem with having a name so unusual...

Last night I was online checking my email and I saw a friend's bulletin post regarding that "So-and-so needs..." game. I laughed almost all the way through it and (unthinkingly) decided to try it for ...
Posted by Casmira on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 09:56:00 PST

I need to learn to dance...

yeah, yeah,... I don't mean the 7 years of ballet I took as a little girl --- I mean real dancing. I went out with my co-workers and realized, either I need to pick up the pace or give it up because I...
Posted by Casmira on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 10:55:00 PST

I'm normally pretty thick-skinned...

... but there are times in my job where I'm forced to edit stories that wrench my heart.Think of it this way; The stories you read in the paper are usually 2-4 times longer and loaded with detail...
Posted by Casmira on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 01:37:00 PST

I love answering these...

...and I love getting them. But I don't want to force anyone to read them, so I thought I'd throw it into a blog.Hey! Most of what I write is nonsense anyhow. Here's a little more. Part 1: The Birth o...
Posted by Casmira on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 11:40:00 PST

OK. So I may live in a glass house, but what the f...?

My husband is a loyal Howard Stern fan. And since we're away from each other so often he calls at night to update me on the latest Stern antics which I normally pretend to be shocked by, we laugh, and...
Posted by Casmira on Fri, 26 May 2006 08:07:00 PST

A brief message to all you supermoms out there...

Here's a thought for you: The future parents you are raising will probably not care too much about the information your choosing to write in their baby book. Birth weight... the date they-I-we- took o...
Posted by Casmira on Tue, 23 May 2006 12:27:00 PST

Regarding the rose...

There is no underlying meaning for my new profile pic... I just got sick of looking at my own mugg so many times in one myspace visit. So I decided to throw on a pastel I've done recently. I can imagi...
Posted by Casmira on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 10:03:00 PST