Drumming, Claymation, cooking, gardening(more landscape design), sociology, psychology
One of my more favorite songs that my band plays, my favorite is called "God Tom, My Prostate is Killing Me" but, "Paint a Picture" is pretty sweet
I like all sorts of music... whatever sounds good. However, some bands I recognize and appreciate are Zeppelin, Floyd, Bright Eyes, Tom Waits, QUEEN, A Perfect Circle, Tool, Rush, Modest Mouse, Harry Chapin, Primus, Leftover Crack/Choking Victim, Beastie Boys (only the self titled album... damn good punk rock), Circle Jerks,Aimee Mann, Floater, Victor Wooten, Chuck Berry, Interpol, Jefferson Airplane, DOn Meclean,Johnny Cash, Hank Williams III, Herbie Hancock, Nightwish, and many more I canna think of right now...
Punch Drunk Love,Castle in the Sky, Ninja Scroll (hella good movie), Neon Genisis: End of Evangelion(Crazy cool movie) Waking Life, Spaceballs, Trainspotting, all of Terentinos, all of the Coen Brothers, Edward Scissorhands, Natural Born Killers, Fear and Loathing, Napoleon Dynamite.... so many others... so little myspace.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Family Guy, Law & Order, mostly all of Adult swim programming.... yes, even the anime.
Read, me?
those who can smile so wide that thier eyes dissapear