About The History of Los Angeles Graffiti Art The History of Los Angeles Graffiti Art Volume II, 1989-1994 assembles over 95 interviews from the most talented and prolific graffiti artists from the heyday of L.A.'s burgeoning urban art scene. Some of the writer's featured in Volume 2 are Anger, Haze, Chaka, Severe, Coax, Duce, Ganas, Jimer, Krush, Feevo, Oiler, Bruin, Pranks, Kofie, Toomer, Hex TGO, Power, Sacred and so many more.This volume, like the first, is unlike any other book on the graffiti art phenomena. It is a collaborative effort by active graffiti writers who are dedicated to exposing the realities of this subculture. The graffiti writers interviewed in this volume have gone on to become some of the most celebrated and sought after artists of the 21st century. This book provides in-depth narratives from graffiti writers and artists who have hitherto only been know via their licit and illicit wall art and through urban lore.As graffiti artists themselves, the publishers, editors, and designers of this extensive volume have made certain that all the narratives and photos represent this true urban art form in a way that both educates readers of ethnographic texts and impresses consumers of quality art-books.Please support this culture and project. The success and production of Volume 2 is not possible without the continued support of the public. You have the option of pre-ordering the book directly from our myspace page or by navigating directly to our site. All pre-orders will be shipped out in August 2008 and will include a free signed poster from the authors and select writers from Volume 2. We thank you for your support.Official site: www. thehistoryoflosangelesgraffitiart. com Questions:
[email protected] This Book & DVD was conceived of, published by, worked on, photographed, edited, and introduced exclusively by LA-based graffiti writers