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About Me

La Muneca Y Los Muertos
MySpace Band Profile | Official Band Website Next Band Performance:

View my online modeling protfolio at for more photos
or at my Model Mayhem profile #397503
Photos By Deborah Martin
I'm also a designer. Beautifying the Web one site at a time.
DangerousCat~ Productions - My Website Design Portfolio
Tierra Sagrada Community of Artistic Deviants
This was the beginnings of an intentional community that I was dreaming up with my cohorts. We have not yet been able to manifest the common ground to build our homes on and maybe this group in particular was not meant to. Nonetheless, it has been an excellent study for me and a path that is leading me to one day soon co-create a sustainable music ranch with like minded artists and visionaries. I've visited various intentional communities and have see how it is possible to live sustainably and be a responsible artist. This site has now become a place for eco links that I have found to be valuable and eventually it will be added to.
The dream still lives and we have yet to see how it will unfold. Intentional communities is the new way and some of us will pioneer the way for others. Communities are forming and culture is growing.
Check out the intentional community directory to get a glimpse or possibly find one to join!
Intentional Community Directory
so THAT'S why!

My Interests

    Rocking out Guitar Songwriting Singing SKA Music Touring Dia De los Muertos Sustainable Solutions Eco-villages Intentional Communities Web Design Fine Art Music and Musicianship Belly Dancing Modeling Photography Video-making Acting Gardening Animal care Traveling Speaking Spanish Contributing Participation Transcendentalism Quetzalcoatl 2012 Clairvoyance Algae Fuel Solar & Wind Power Anything colorful and creative with positive intentions.

I'd like to meet:

Creative professionals who are in service for the well being of community.

Radio, Distribution, Management, A&R, Venue Owners, Event Organizers, Street Team, Fans, Wellness Spa Practitioners, Holistic Health Advisor, Coach, Financial Planner, Instructors, Artists, Authors, Actors, Photographers, Directors, Producers, Visionaries, Musicians, Dancers, Poets, Eco-Conscious Sponsors, Investors, Partners, Intentional Communities.

Some of my artwork:

Kindered Spirits! Thank you!


    LaMuneca y LosMuertos Bersuit Danny Elfman The Pixies Beastie Boys Weezer Ween Ozomatli The Specials Madness Frida Soundtrack La Llorona Elvis Costello Billie Holiday Django Reinhart No Means No Morphine PJ Harvey Paris Combo Soul Coughing Talking Heads Jimmy 2 Times Tom Waits Prez Prado BuenaVistaSocialClub Skatalites Selector The Uptones Voodoo Glow Skulls Skeletones Bad Manners Yma Sumac Martin Denny Jimmy Cliff David Bowie Ednaswap John Lennon Fast Heart Mart ALO Amiee Mann Desmond Dekker If Nobody Knew


Loose Change 2nd Edition

    V for Vendetta Pan's Labyrinth Devil's Backbone Tideland Napoleon Dynamite Anchorman Forty Year Old Virgin Nacho Libre Volver Sueno Harry Potter Happy Accidents Office Space Time Bandits Dark Crystal Houses of Flying Daggers Kill Bill 1 & 2 Bourne Identity Bourne Supremacy Bourne Ultimatum The Godfather Fahrenheit 9/11 Bowling for Columbine Donnie Darko Unusual Suspects K-Pax Frida Mind Walk Nightmare Before Christmas City of Lost Children Harold & Maude Catch Me If you Can School of Rock Spiderman Batman Superman X-Men Lost in Translation Fight Club Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Lord of the Rings Star Wars Almost Famous O Brother Where Art Thou? Brazil Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory Amelie Monkey Bone Beetle Juice Princess Bride Shrek High Fidelity Karma Sutra Like Water For Chocolate Moulin Rouge Austin Powers So I Married An Axe Murderer Indiana Jones Minority Report Paycheck Matrix Cold Mountain Bringing Up Baby Corpse Bride Big Fish Sweeny Todd Shawn Of The Dead


Visit My YouTUBE Profile


    Succulent Wild Woman Prosperity Pie Creating A Life Together The Natural House Shelter Yesterday I Cried The Moon Under Her Feet Davinci Code The Tipping Point Salvador Dali J.G.Posada Censored Disinformation Carlos Castaneda The Psychic Healing Book What's Your Card? Organic Life The Power of Now Ferment & Human Nutrition Behind Adobe Walls Green by Design The Artist's Way


Those who... survive extreme hardship and still have a song in their heart; are brave to love themselves bodly; smile kindly when you walk by; shine bright; see the magic; speak when they have a question, an answer or truth to convey.