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The First Lady Of House Music

About Me

Online Status IconsExtended Network Banner made with MyBannerMaker.com! Click here to make your own!Well...here we go...my name is Lisa...and I live in MA. I am probably the most easy going girl you will ever meet in your life!! I am very simple!! I just like to have fun....I have a big heart and I give everyone a chance to show me who they really are. For me, trust is something you have to earn so I never trust anyone right away!! I am extremely honest...if I like you, I will show it and if I don't like you,you will know it!! I have a very good sense when it comes to judging people's character and I am a lot smarter than some people might like to think!! I try to treat everyone the way that I want to be treated...the biggest things for me are respect, honesty and appreciation. Not too much to ask right?? haha...I've realized lately that life is too short to sweat the small things or small minded people in life...there are a lot of jealous people out there who will do anything to see you fall. I try to live each day of my life as if it's my last!! I don't like the feeling of regretting anything so I try to learn from my mistakes...and make the best of whatever bad situations I get myself into!! I love my friends, my family and I love meeting new people...I guess I am very much a people person...very social...although beleive it or not, I can be very, very shy sometimes too!!So sum of my LIKES: Music...HOUSE Music...Drums make me crazy, I love chillin with my friends, anyone that can make me laugh -n- put a smile on my face, love shopping, clothes, that one 5 minute phone call from that one person that can make the worst day of your life suddenly the best, clubnights, dancing the night away, sweatpants, the summer, the beach, working out, feeling accomplished, sleeping when it's raining out...and the list goes on...Sum of my DISLIKES: Liars, Fake ass people, the feeling of being disappointed, being bored, people all up in my business...I am very much involved in the Boston club scene...have been for a pretty long time now...most people will know me because of Dj Adilson...99% of the time...whereveer he is, I am too...taking pictures, promoting for him, doing guest lists, etc...soooo u should stop in sometime and say hi!!I really really enjoy my friends and if you are my friend, you are my friend for life...because I treat my friends like my own family!! Take some time to get to know me and I am sure that you will grow to love me!!!

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My Interests

hanging out with friends, laughing a lot, anything or anyone that can make me smile, clubbing with my girls, music...any music...all music, going to the gym, clothes, love clothes...love shopping, good movies, the beach, quiet evenings with someone I love....

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I'd like to meet:

Paris Hilton....she is fabulous... I like what she stands for...young, rich,great sense of fashion and an "I don't give a shit" attitude!!Get Your Own! | View SlideshowGet Your Own! | View Slideshow
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anything as long as it sounds good...house, (DJ ADILSON, MWAH) hip hop, r&b, country, easy listening Make sure you get a copy of Dj Adilson's latest Avalon CD!!!

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My Blog

Sometimes People Just Suck....Seriously AGAIN!!!!!

So I origionally posted this on March 13, 2006...and today is September 10, 2007...and here I am again relating to this....not the same exact situation but the point is the same....God....when will I ...
Posted by ~*LiSa*~ on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 11:55:00 PST

Sometimes people just suck...Seriously

Anyone who is close to me and really knows me can tell you that I think waaaaaay too much!!! Well here I am thinking again, and I have recently come to the realization that sometimes people just reall...
Posted by ~*LiSa*~ on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 07:05:00 PST

Don't forget...

to come and check out Dj Adilson at Axis on Mondays, Venu on Wed, the Matrix on Fridays, Avalon on Saturdays, Venu on Sundays and also Club Seven in Worcester on Thursdays! Oh...and if I've taken ...
Posted by ~*LiSa*~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST