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My Interests

Life, and everything that exisist within it.

I'd like to meet:

Alot of the people that I would like to meet have already passed...John Smith (my grandfather,) Johnny Cash, June Carter Cash, Ray Charles, Einstein, Steve Irwin, Chris Farley...Others would be... Stevie Nicks, Grace Slick, Willie Nelson, Johnny Knoxvile, Ant, Elton John, Howard Schatz, Beverly Ornstein, Brian Froud, Boris Vallejo, Julie Bell, Louis Royo...


Boone Dock Saints, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Cube, Cube2:Hypercube, Cube Zero, Hidious Kinky, Radio, What Dreams May Come, Man on Fire, I am Sam...


That 70's Show, Law & Order, Mind of Mencia, South Park, Family Guy, Simpsons, Drawn Together, The Real World (and most of the spin off's,) Forensic Files, Cold Cases, Robot Chicken, Friends, Animal Planet (mostly animal rescue,) Dirty Jobs, Cash Cab, Jackass, Wild Boys, America's Funniest Home Videos...


A Child Called "It", She's Come Undone, Green Mile (the book is better!) Alot of true crime stories.


Mom. 3She is by far the greatest human being I've even known. My grandma Helen being the second runner up. ;)Johnny Cash, June Carter Cash, Stevie Nicks...

My Blog

Drunk People Suck

Yeah sure it's fun to drink every once in a while.But you people that get drunk all the time, as in like almost every day... you really suck....
Posted by ~Steph~ on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 02:19:00 PST

Stupid Laws from Oregon

My boyfriend found this link a while back. There are some pretty old laws in this list, that don't really apply to the way things are today. But it's pretty funny. You can also check out stupid laws f...
Posted by ~Steph~ on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 12:45:00 PST

I Blog Here

Posted by ~Steph~ on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 10:32:00 PST