trippin tha fuck out, candyflippin, hippieflippin umm...candyflippin and hippieflippin at the same time, raving, everything...
... no one everyone knows me
deep proggresive house, hard proggresive trance, shranz/ hardstyle...juss gimme glowsticks... ...sumtimes i take it back to the 60s and 70s? incense and peppermints anyone?? i sum music too, reggea music mon!!
cheech and chongs up in smoke, next movie, nice dreams, still smokin, and things are tough all over...cant beat em! and a very wide selection of adult films hahaha...
fuck TV...i would watch MTV but i dont have it...but its not the same...more music videos please...fuck reality South Park!!A.F.N. stands for aint fuckin nuthin!!
the annoted alice and the adventures of alice and wonderland...other than that i dont read...unless its MAXIM magazine...or national geographic...they get down man...
i am my own hero, im gonna do wut i wanna do...and my father...fightin for yall...fuck bush