Layout by CoolChaser Background from flickr user
I enjoy sports, music and the ourdoors,affection, bar, beer, bob marley,broncos, camping, cars, chocolate, christian, classic rock, colorado, computers, cooking, democrat, denver, drinking, eric clapton, excitement, fishing, football, fun, green, guitar, hockey, kissing, love, moon, motocross, mountain dew, mountains, music, nirvana, nuggets, outdoors, passionate, pink floyd, rage against the machine, rain, red rocks, sex, sexy, sports, star, sublime, sun, the greatful dead, tom petty, water, 420.....I just want to make it FUN............ have a great Day!!!!!
fun people! With thoughts of thier own!
All of it
She is only 6 years old & Stronger than her Daddy! Kinder than her Mommy, And Brighter than both of us.......LOVE YOU MATTIE