lucky profile picture


Grow or Die

About Me

Iron Pour at Smartshop 12/31/07
I am the one all in leather facing the camera
This is the 3rd pour in which the crucible failed. I am on the slagger and shovel.
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My Interests

Foundry/ Metals casting(see about me)
Learning,selling art,reading,making art(clay, metal,photography,poetry,food,dance,song,yarn,gallery design,furniture design,and then many mediums I have not tried yet),travel,building and maintaining a good fire,spending time alone so I can write and think(and smoke), smoking, breaking into abandoned buildings just to look around and use my imagination and observation(and breaking and entering) skills,telling the people I love that I love them in some way that gets through,eating salt

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who can give me some knowledge including artists, curators, art appreciators, and other wise people. People with stories. Writers. Teachers.Correspondents. Old Friends.


Local(to mention only a few)- First of all, Who Hit John? is the shiznit and not just because I'm a band wife. I dig them and they make me dance and even cry sometimes on the sad ones. Steppin in it,Dunuya Drum & Dance, Jake Stilson,Whiskey Before Breakfast,Dooley Noted,The Few of the Many,Mossy Mountain,Hex Bombs, Fonn Mor, Corn Fed Girls and on and on Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, Duke Ellington, Dave Brubeck,Ray Charles, Dinah Washington,Etta James,Louis Prima, Portishead, Mazzy Star,Morcheeba,Ryan Adams, Gillian Welch,Johnny Cash,Fiona Apple, Tom Waits,Almost all blues, almost all jazz,Fugees,Bright Eyes. Many bands from my past including every drag number I've ever heard especially "It's my beaver!" sung to the tune of"You Give me Fever"by Ryan Landry the legendary P-town drag pimp --many, many others


Favorite movie of all time- "So I married an axe murderer"


I don't have digital tv! so I guess my tv watching days are numbered. Good. I will miss dateline.


All. I am keeping a log now so I'll remember.


My Dad and Mom.

My Blog

In memory of David

 David R. McCartney Jan. 21st 1977-Feb. 27th 1999 The beautiful lost      
Posted by lucky on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 09:44:00 PST

Missed Oppurtunity

I am posting this blog in place of a much better post that happened yesterday in a parallel universe. I saw the strangest thing and would have whipped out my Razr and taken a creepy picture of it if I...
Posted by lucky on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 07:35:00 PST

Don't get me started

I blew my own mind today, thinking about religion. The reason why a girl raised in a somewhat extreme born-again christian home would find it so important to type "god" with quotes and lower case and ...
Posted by lucky on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 09:26:00 PST

New reality show-The ultimate Religious Challenge or Rachel's Religious Diatribe

I was put in an awfully weird situation with a christian friend of mine yesterday.I love her, think she's a wonderful person, and I know her beliefs are very strong at the moment and she's totally hot...
Posted by lucky on Sat, 18 Feb 2006 01:32:00 PST

Saturday with poem

Just sitting here in my bathrobe, enjoying the silence of early saurday, it's about time I posted a poem, I think."I wander around this un-put together house and dream of all sorts of things. I think ...
Posted by lucky on Sat, 28 Jan 2006 09:45:00 PST