Cooking, virtually all types and styles, golf, exercising( 6+ days a week the second best stress reliever I know of), stimulating conversation, helping people, museums, the arts, movies, books
Any individual whom I can help with networking, or getting connected into companies, make friends, and have stimulating conversation. Trying to find friends and make connectionsPLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT, RESPOND TO A BLOG..I cannot respond to mail during the day, please leave a comment or respond to a Blog or send a bulletin, I will respond............
THIS REPRESENTS ITEMS I HAVE BEEN INTERESTED IN FOR SOME TIME, I AM CURRENTLY READING AND ABSORBING WHAT I CAN GIVEN MY SCHEDULE.....SUGGESTIONS ARE CERTAINLY APPRECIATED AND WELCOME. Currently on the bedside table:The DiVinci Code, Angels and Demons, Atlas Shrugged, Of Human Bondage, Tom Clancy, Dan Brown, most books of a political nature, The Rebel [camus], Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies [diamond], On War [von clausewitz], Book of the Five Rings [musashi], Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance [persig], , The Power of the Sub-Conscious Mind, Shutup and Sing, how to talk to a Liberal(If you Must),