Syntax profile picture


Big headed like Easter Island...

About Me

Since September 2006, Trace Elements have been carving out a name for themselves as one of Queensland's premiere hip hop groups. Not only have they had a large amount of success with three national tours, but group member M-Phazes recently found himself up for an Aria Nomination after remixing Bliss N Eso's breakthrough album ‘Day of the Dog'.
With 18,000 mixtapes pushed entirely off their own backs, group member Syntax is branching out and going solo with another free mixtape expected to push even more.
“The tape is called IOU's, and I've been sitting on it for two years now. It doesn't follow normal mixtape conventions and is very retrospective. It's not a hip hop mixtape entirely for hip hop people; my hope is that everyone, regardless of music genre allegiance, will begin to look at hip hop in the positive light that it should be viewed in”.
Available through various internet resources, the free mixtape is a synthesis of time, effort and 10 years of hip hop experience.
“It's taken 10 years for me to feel as though I'm a confident enough to release a solo effort. 10 years of life experience added with 10 years of crappy shows and a decent amount of good ones too. I love to write, not just music, and I've put all my thoughts and ideas over that 10 years into a book”.
As an added bonus with the mixtape, Syntax has written a Downloadable PDF IOU's booklet, containing thoughts and stories that were 10 years in the making, as well as the successful Bliss N Eso tour blogs and the Supastition National Australian tour blogs, packed with behind the scenes stories and photographs.
Featuring production from some of Australia's best hip hop producers, IOU's will help redefine the ‘Mixtape' genre by giving the listener something pure, something professional, and something that means more than just music...
It's 10 years of Syntax's life.
“IOU nothing less than the best than I can give”.
Over 55 Minutes of new music from Gold Coast's finest hip hop crew Trace Elements featuring freestyles and all new original tracks produced by M-Phazes, Jase, and Gold Coast up and comer Mules.
Alongside Syntax, Tactic One and M-Phazes, Trace Elements are joined by some of Australia's best emcees including Weapon X & GMC, 13th Son, Whisper, Fergo One, Haunts and Baptist.
Elevator Muzak also features collaborations with North Carolina heavyweight Supastition and Wax Reform emcee Raks One.
The FREE mixtape is available by clicking the link below
Head to the Trace Elements page for the BLISS N ESO tour blog. In the meantime, here's a few teaser pics.
Also remember to check out the tour blog for the Supastition Australian tour, currently in the blog section. Here are just a few teaser pics.
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Upcoming Shows

My Interests


Member Since: 1/9/2006
Band Website:

Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
Influences: Defiantely Eminem (no one can front on Renegade)....but recently Phonte, Mareko and Supastition have been my idols.

M-Phazes Phazed Out Beats Sampler

Coming soon to Formula Recordz/
Mules - Labratz

BLISS N ESO Get Loose Video tour blog

SYNTAX:IOUs video blog 1

Record Label: Soul Cypha
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Dear Diary: 12/06/08

Dear Diary 12/06/08 Alas, it has been a hot minute since I have put quill to paper (metaphorically speaking) and unleashed my rampant torrent of thoughts upon the public in a tirade of gibberish and i...
Posted by Syntax on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 03:20:00 PST

McDonalds: Whats our beef (pattie)? - A social look at our favourite food outlet

McDonalds: What's our beef (pattie)?  A social look at our favourite foot outlet Far be it from me to be a champion for the McDonald's method of corporate branding, I somehow feel compelled to make t...
Posted by Syntax on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 06:46:00 PST

Some blog information: Ahoy tharrrr

Greetings all, Firstly I have noticed that I have a lot of blog subscribers from Japan, so I would like to extend a warm greeting to those people! How I ended up in so many top friends in Japan, I don...
Posted by Syntax on Tue, 20 May 2008 05:22:00 PST

Dear Diary 4: The after grog blog

Dear Diary 4: The after grog blog Tuesday 06 May 2008 I have been getting some positive feedback from my random ranting, however what I find amazing is that it all started from a Diary entry I wrote t...
Posted by Syntax on Tue, 06 May 2008 09:58:00 PST

Syntax: How to make an album video blog 1 some reason my blog really doesn't like embedding the file) The first in the IOU's and DIY video blogs. A collection of various things over the past few ...
Posted by Syntax on Mon, 05 May 2008 04:46:00 PST

Dear Diary 3

April 24 2008   I often wonder who reads these? I remember I used to ponder that question a long time ago when I was writing my plethora of tour blogs; a process that used to eat up a lot of my t...
Posted by Syntax on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 03:13:00 PST

Dear Diary 2

Ahh, once again it is Saturday night, and while I sit at home and sip Sangria I thought I would take the time to waste some more of your precious time by waffling on in another useless diary entry tha...
Posted by Syntax on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 06:11:00 PST

Dear Diary 1 April 7 2008

The feedback I have been receiving from my numerous bulletins and blogs has been very constructive and positive, so I thank you all for that. I guess my rantings have become far more frequent as of la...
Posted by Syntax on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 05:21:00 PST

Dear Mr Sony...

Dear Mr Sony, Please give me a record deal you bastard. I know you really want to sign me, it’s just that BMG bloke is being a right tosser and slagging me off behind my back. I think it’s...
Posted by Syntax on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 08:50:00 PST

Memory lane: A little about me

It’s been a long road from Milan to Minsk.. Rochelle Rochelle.. No No this is not a music bio or something related to ’Syntax’ the rapper...of which 95% of people don’t bother ...
Posted by Syntax on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 09:06:00 PST