Dear Diary: 12/06/08 |
Dear Diary 12/06/08
Alas, it has been a hot minute since I have put quill to paper (metaphorically speaking) and unleashed my rampant torrent of thoughts upon the public in a tirade of gibberish and i... Posted by Syntax on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 03:20:00 PST |
McDonalds: Whats our beef (pattie)? - A social look at our favourite food outlet |
McDonalds: What's our beef (pattie)? A social look at our favourite foot outlet
Far be it from me to be a champion for the McDonald's method of corporate branding, I somehow feel compelled to make t... Posted by Syntax on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 06:46:00 PST |
Some blog information: Ahoy tharrrr |
Greetings all,
Firstly I have noticed that I have a lot of blog subscribers from Japan, so I would like to extend a warm greeting to those people!
How I ended up in so many top friends in Japan, I don... Posted by Syntax on Tue, 20 May 2008 05:22:00 PST |
Dear Diary 4: The after grog blog |
Dear Diary 4: The after grog blog Tuesday 06 May 2008
I have been getting some positive feedback from my random ranting, however what I find amazing is that it all started from a Diary entry I wrote t... Posted by Syntax on Tue, 06 May 2008 09:58:00 PST |
Syntax: How to make an album video blog 1 | some reason my blog really doesn't like embedding the file)
The first in the IOU's and DIY video blogs. A collection of various things over the past few ... Posted by Syntax on Mon, 05 May 2008 04:46:00 PST |
Dear Diary 3 |
April 24 2008
I often wonder who reads these? I remember I used to ponder that question a long time ago when I was writing my plethora of tour blogs; a process that used to eat up a lot of my t... Posted by Syntax on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 03:13:00 PST |
Dear Diary 2 |
Ahh, once again it is Saturday night, and while I sit at home and sip Sangria I thought I would take the time to waste some more of your precious time by waffling on in another useless diary entry tha... Posted by Syntax on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 06:11:00 PST |
Dear Diary 1 April 7 2008 |
The feedback I have been receiving from my numerous bulletins and blogs has been very constructive and positive, so I thank you all for that. I guess my rantings have become far more frequent as of la... Posted by Syntax on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 05:21:00 PST |
Dear Mr Sony... |
Dear Mr Sony,
Please give me a record deal you bastard.
I know you really want to sign me, it’s just that BMG bloke is being a right tosser and slagging me off behind my back. I think it’s... Posted by Syntax on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 08:50:00 PST |
Memory lane: A little about me |
It’s been a long road from Milan to Minsk..
Rochelle Rochelle..
No No this is not a music bio or something related to ’Syntax’ the rapper...of which 95% of people don’t bother ... Posted by Syntax on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 09:06:00 PST |