The Operators profile picture

The Operators


About Me

"Giddy, raucous spaz-punk out of the suburbs of Boston that recalls the best parts--the crankiness, the furious single-string guitar, the excitement--of all those records K put out in the early '90s, with a dollop of The Raincoats' crash-boom-pop shamble for good measure. Let them be your favorite band, just so that grin that sprouts on your face after the first song doesn't come as too much of a shock." --PHILADELPHIA CITY PAPER
To contact the Operators, email [email protected]. Updated information is always available at

My Interests


Member Since: 10/27/2004
Band Website:
Band Members: emily. jen. paul. steph.
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

A new project! And rare Ops mp3.

Steph and Emily Operator are playing their first show with Naughty Shirley's Slamber as THE TRICUNX this Sunday at the Washington Street Art Center. The show's early (5:30-8pm), all ages, and there'll...
Posted by The Operators on Fri, 24 Feb 2006 07:57:00 PST