Public Health, Pharmacy, Immunizations, Microbiology, Toxicology, Pharmacology, Pharmacogenomics. Infectious diseases
Sports: Rugby and noodling.
Joe Vs Jonah
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All Blacks haka meets Scottish manliness
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Animals: My baby boys- Ivan and Oscar. and my sweet Oreo, God rest her soul.Exercise: Running, Yoga, RUGBY, RUGBY, RUGBY, Weight lifting, climbing, SNOWBOARDING.Travel: Send me anywhere, but I prefer not to get any parasites. other than that I am open.
I am not particular, I love people. You are infinitely interesting to me. Your stories, hearts and thoughts raptly keep my attention. No need for pretenses or false words, I would probably see through them eventually anyway. WHAT DO I LOVE IN A PERSON, LET ME COUNT THE WAYS: LOYALTY, HONESTY, STRENGTH OF CHARACTER AND MIND, WELL READ, SMART ASS COMMENTS, TONGUE IN CHEEK HUMOR, PASSION, UNIQUE MIND, FREE THINKING.... Your race, creed, sexual orientation, relgion, education, politics, music tastes, make you your own person. It comes down to this: Be yourself and I am in!
Metallica: Fuel
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The Cure! All things trans, metal, industrial, alternative. I try to be open to anything that is unique with a beautiful melody works for me. I still love the grunge movement-Screaming Trees, Temple of the Dog, etc. Nine Inch Nails, Cake, Beasty Boys, Shakira, Metallica, U2, DANZIG, Paul Oakenfield, Rob Zombie.....I could go on and on! Oh yeah and who couldnt love 80's punk and new wave.
Lita Ford - Kiss Me Deadly via Noolmusic.com
Get Video Code For YouTube Music Videos 80s 90s - Lita Ford - Kiss Me Deadly
Favorite-Breakfast Club, Boondock Saints, 5th Element- Anything 80's and directed by John Hughes, funny, Victorian Period films, Horror, Vampire flicks, Drama... I am a movie finatic and I love the theater.
Run Lola Run
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300 Trailer 2
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She Wants Revenge - Tear You Apart
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House of 1000 Nine Inch Nails
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Top chef, Project Runway, Bravo is one of my Favs. The L Word.
Aww, sad stuff.
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Favorite Authors: Abbott, Edwin Adams, John Quincy Aesop Alcott, Louisa May Andersen, Hans Christian Anderson, Sherwood Appleton, Victor Aristotle Austen, Jane Bacon, Sir Francis de Balzac, Honore Barrie, James Matthew Baum, L. Frank Bierce, Ambrose Bronte, Anne Bronte, Charlotte Bronte, Emily Burnett, Frances Hodgson Burroughs, Edgar Rice Carroll, Lewis Casson, Herbert N. Cather, Willa Cervantes, Miguel Chesterton, Gilbert K. Chopin, Kate Christie, Agatha Clinton, Bill Coleridge, Samuel Taylor Collins, Wilkie Collodi, Carlo Conrad, Joseph Cooper, James Fenimore Crane, Stephen Cranmer-Byng, L. Darwin, Charles Davis, Richard Defoe, Daniel Descartes, Rene Dickens, Charles Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Douglass, Frederick Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan Dumas, Alexandre Eliot, George Emerson, Ralph Waldo Fielding, Henry Filson, John Flaubert, Gustave Fletcher, Robert Huntington Forster, E. M. Gilman, Charlotte Perkins Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm Haggard, Rider H. Haldeman, Julius Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, Alexander Hardy, Thomas Harte, Bret Hawthorne, Nathaniel Henry, O. Hemingway, Ernest Homer Hornung, E. W. Howells,William Dean Hughes, Thomas Hugo, Victor Irving, Washington James, Henry Jay, John Jerome, Jerome K. Kennedy, John F. Kipling, Rudyard Lang, Andrew le Gallienne, Richard Leroux, Gaston Lincoln, Abraham Lobo, Father Lofting, Hugh London, Jack Machiavelli, Nicolo Madison, James Marlowe, Christopher Marshall, H.E. Marx, Karl & Engles, Frederick Maugham, W. Somerset McSpadden, J. Walker Melville, Herman Milton, John Montgomery, Lucy Maud Nietzsche, Friedrich Oppenheim, E. Phillips Pater, Walter Horatio Plato Poe, Edgar Allan Porter, Eleanor H. Potter, Beatrix Pyle, Howard Russell, Bertrand Scott, Walter Sewell, Anna Shakespeare, William Shaw, George Bernard Shelley, Mary Sinclair, Upton Sophocles Stevenson, Robert Louis Stoker, Bram Stowe, Harriett Beecher Sun, Tzu Swift, Jonathan Thackeray, William Makepeace Thoreau, Henry David Tolstoy, Leo Twain, Mark Verne, Jules Von Arnim, Elizabeth Washington, Booker T. Wells, H.G. Wharton, Edith Wiggin, Kate Douglas Wilde, Oscar Wodehouse, Pelham Grenville Woolf, VirginiaFavorite Poets: A B Banjo Paterson (55) A E Houseman (41) Aleister Crowley (29) Alfred Lord Tennyson (23) Amy Levy (21) Anne Bradstreet (17) Bill Knott (18) Charles Kingsley (12) Charlotte Bronte (14) Christina Rossetti (19) Clement Clarke Moore (18) Coventry Patmore (11) D H Lawrence (2) Digby Mackworth Dolben (8) Dylan Thomas (16) E.E. Cummings (40) Edgar Albert Guest (19) Edgar Allan Poe (22) Edward Lear (15) Elizabeth Bishop (17) Emily Dickinson (30) Emily Jane Bront (24) Eugene Field (20) Harry Harbord Morant (15) Henry David Thoreau (7) Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (132) John Keats (26) Langston Hughes (15) M. Lermontov (33) Matthew Arnold (23) Maya Angelou (18) Ogden Nash (17) Oscar Wilde (24) Robert Browning (18) Robert Burns (20) Robert Frost (45) Robert Louis Stevenson (19) Robert William Service (20) Rudyard Kipling (29) Sylvia Plath (22) Walt Whitman (22) Wilfred Owen (35) William Blake (30) William Shakespeare (68) William Wordsworth (25) Modern English literature is my passion:"Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone" W. H. Auden***************** Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone, Silence the pianos and with muffled drum Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead, Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves, Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.He was my North, my South, my East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.The stars are not wanted now: put out every one; Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun; Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood. For nothing now can ever come to any good.
My brother (wonderful, funny and fucking cool man!!!) and all the soldiers that risk their lives for us. My beautiful, sexy amazing husband...who lives life on his terms...He is a shugar bee! My dad and mom...the sweetest dad and coolest mom ever...they survived teenage years with me...that has got to be worth sainthood. I always tell the little bro that he owes me big time for breaking in mom and dad. My sister...An amazing mother, sister and friend....she has a gift with people and the most wonderful heart. OVERALL MY HEROS ARE THOSE THAT SPEAK THEIR MINDS WITHOUT WORRYING ABOUT WHAT OTHER WILL THINK.