Music, Traveling, Automobiles, Computers, Money, Racing, Cheating death, Reading, Making Love,etc...
Anyone and Everyone? Except you.
DNB, Hard Rock, Trance, Death Metal, Classical, The Blues, Punk, Ska, Hardcore, Mushroom Jazz, Classic Rock.
Led Zeppelin The song remains the same, Requiem For a Dream, Casino, Aliens, Good Fellas, Harold and Cumar, Scar Face, Super Troopers, Waking Life, Space Odyssey 2000. I watch a lot of movies.
UFC, Bears/Cubs Games, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Top Gear, The Speed Chanel! The Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel, None of the above because Lukes a cheap ass and wont go half’s on cable with me. Daneament!!!!
Mama sais i cant reed goed
My Grandfather, Petter Solberg, Mario Andretti, Ayrton Senna, Jim Dangle.