Writing, punk rock, travel, activism.
Circle Jerks, Against Me! Alkaline Trio, Johnny Cash, dead Prez, Fishbone, Hank Williams I&III, Leftover Crack, Woody Guthrie, Johnny Cash, Attila the Stockbroker, Black 47, Pogues, Paris, Akir, Screeching Weasel, The Coup, Street Dogs, Immortal Technique, Drive-by Truckers, This Bike is a Pipe Bomb, George Jones, Strike Anywhere, Sage Francis, Lenny & the Piss Poor Boys, Hot Water Music, Citizen Fish, Dropkick Murphys, Fear, Minor Threat, Fifteen, The Slackers, Vickers, and Darkbuster.
Anything by John Waters, Happiness, Dead Alive, Brain Candy, The Corporation, No End in Sight...
Weeds, 30 Days, City of Men, LOST, Daily Show...
by Hunter S Thompson, Bukowski, Studs Terkel, John Fante, R Crumb, Ma Jian, Nick Hornby, Howard Zinn, Dave Suter, Cornel West, Norman Mailer, Harvey Pekar, Roddy Doyle, Joe Bageant, Patrick McCabe, George Orwell, William Blum, Noam Chomsky and Roald Dahl. As well as DMZ, Shooting Zone, Palestine, Lies My Teacher Told Me, Liberty Men and Great Proprietors, What's the Matter with Kansas,
Dr. Madd Vibe, John Waters, Hunter S. Thompson, R. Crumb, and Woody Guthrie.