George Michael profile picture

George Michael

It's not Aunt Lindsay's real nose.

About Me

A lot has changed recently in my life. My dad is no longer President of the Bluth Company. My Uncle GOB took over (But my dad still pretty much does everything, it's just to keep the feds off our back). I have a new girlfriend. Her name is Anne. I'm worried that my family doesn't like her that much. I wonder what Maeby thinks. No! Don't think about that George Michael. Dumb George Michael! Dumb dumb dumb.

My Interests

Studying, selling frozen bananas, riding bikes with my dad, making cornballs, watching my Uncle GOB do magic tricks, my cousin Maeby - hanging out with her that is. I don't mean that I'm interested in her as a girlfriend or anything, I just like spending time with her. Besides, I have a girlfriend now, her name is Anne. I think I'm gonna buy her a diamond. Or maybe just this diamond cream my aunt was telling me about.


I don't really listen to a whole lot of music. Dad says it interferes with my studying. I can't afford to get another A-.


Les Cousins Dangereux - I like the way the French think.


I was on the news once. When they did a report about Atkins, they came to the banana stand and interviewed me. I gave them a joke, I'm not sure if they used it though. I pretty much like anything except Oz. That show scares me and makes me worry about what happens to my Pop Pop in jail.


My dad, Michael Bluth, and the rest of my family. Also, my ethics teacher Miss Baerly.