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this ain't a booze...this is the drinking weed!!!

I'd like to meet:

Antony and the johnsons - soft black stars

Little children snuggle under soft black stars
And if you look into their eyes soft black stars
Deliver them from the book and the letter and the word
And let them read the silence bathed in soft black stars
Let them trace the raindrops under soft black stars
Let them follow whispers and scare away the night
Let them kiss the featherbreath of soft black stars
And let them ride their horses licked by the wind and the snow
And tip-toe into twilight where we all one day will go
Caressed with tendrils and with no fear at all
Their faces shining river gold washed by soft black stars
And angels' wings shall soothe their cares
And all the birds shall sing at dawn
Blessed and wet with joy
You and i will meet one day
Under the night sky lit by soft black star

antony and the johnsons - the lake

In youth's spring, it was my lot
To haunt of the wide earth a spot
To which I could not love the less
So lovely was the loneliness
Of a wild lake, with black rock bound
And the tall trees that towered around

But when the night had thrown her pall
Upon that spot as upon all
And the wind would pass me by
In its stilly melody

My infant spirit would awake
To the terror of the lone lake
My infant spirit would awake
To the terror of the lone lake

Yet that terror was not fright
But a tremulous delight
And a feeling undefined
Springing from a darkened mind
Death was in that poisoned wave
And in its gulf a fitting grave
For him who thence could solace bring
To his dark imagining
Whose wildering though could even make
An Eden of that dim lake

But when the night had thrown her pall
Upon that spot as upon all
And the wind would pass me by
In its stilly melody

My infant spirit would awake
To the terror of the lone lake
My infant spirit would awake
To the terror of the lone lake

Springing from a darkened mind
So lovely was the loneliness
In youth's spring, it was my lot
In its stilly melody
An Eden of that dim lake
An Eden of that dim lake
Lone, lone, lonely...

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Song or Suicide Lyrics ..


i love music very much and i prefer gothic!!!


a blue ocean dream, a challenge of honour, a la via, a murder of angels, a sparrow grass hunt, a.r.s, ab ovo, Abaddon Of Venom, Abnocto, Absinthee, acid mothers temple, action pact, Adaro, advocatus diaboli, Advokat Ihrer Hoheit, aeoga, Aesma Daeva, Aeternitas, after forever, aghast, aghiatrias, agnivolok, agonoize, Ah Cama-Sotz, ahnenerbe, aidan baker, ain soph, ainulindale, airiel, Alain Basso, alas, alasdair roberts, albireon, alec empire, Alien Sex Fiend, alio die, all about eve, all my faith lost, allerseelen, alt!, am‘ganesha’n, ambeon, amber asylum, ambra red, amethystium, amgod, Amir Baghiri, amps for christ, anassane, Anchorage, and also the trees, and one, Andrea Lane, andrea marutti, andrew chalk, andrew king, android lust, andromeda complex, anenzephaila, Angel, angel theory, angels & agony, angels of light, angels of venice, angelzoom, anima in fiamme, anita ward, anne clark, annihilist, another tale, Antichrisis, Antimatter, Antisisters, antony and the johnsons, Antracot, anubis, Anubiz, Apatheia, apoptose, Apoptygma Berzerk, aranos, arc, arcana, Arcana Abscura, arcana moon, Arcane Art, arcanta, archon satani, arditi, argile, argine, artefactum, artesia, artrosis, as all die, as divine grace, ashram, asmorod, asp, assemblage 23, asylum party, ataraxia, atari teenage riot, athamay, Atrax Morgue, atrium carceri, atrocity, atrophia red sun, attrition, aube, Audible Pain, Aural whiteout, aurora, aurum nostrum, ausgang, autopsia, autumn, autumn's grey solace, autumn rain melancholy, autumn tears, autunna et sa rose, avalist, avrigus, Axon Neuron Vagwa, Ayragon


b'naj brith, baby dee, backworld, bad sector, baeren gasslin, bain wolfkind, barbara rossa, barditus, bardoseneticcube, battery, bauhaus, beastainity, beequeen, behind the scenes, bel am, bel canto, belborn, belfast, bella morte, benestrophe, bergfolk, berlin, beseech, beyond sensory experience, big electric cat, bigod 20, bigorna, bill garden scottish orchestra, bimbetta, birch book, bis, black ice, black leather jesus, black rose, black tape for a blue girl, blackmore's night, blank & jones, bleiburg, bless, blind faith and envy, blonde cobra, blood and roses, blood axis, blood transfusion set, bloodflowerz, blue birds refuse to fly, blutengel, bogomil nad evropa, bokk & sword, boleskine, bomb party, bondage fairies, boshetunmay, boyd rice, boytronic, braspyreet, brave, brighter death now, brighter touch, brothers of the occult sisterhood, bunkerstrasse, burning Gates,


c - done defect, c.c.c.c, c17h19no3, cabra ash, cadaverous condition, caithness, calle della morte, camerata mediolanense, camerata sforzesca, camisole, canaan, canonis, capella antiqua bambergensis, capercaille, caprice, captain beefheart, carbon 12, carlos peron, cassandra complex, cat fud, cat rapes dog, caul, cawatana, cazzodio, cecil harding, cedar, celldweller, cello, celluloide, chalice wall, chalice, chamber, chandeen, changes, chaos as shelter, chaostar, charalambides, charge, charon, children of stun, children of the gun, chirleison, christian death, christine 23 onna, chthonic, chthonic force, cinema strange, cinemuerte, circus joy, cisfinitum, claire voyant, clannad, claypipe, closterkeller, coffee, coil, cold fusion, collection d'arnell-andrea, collide, complot bronswick, con-dom, connie dover, conscientia peccati, consono, contagious orgasm, control, controlled bleeding, controlled collapse, conventus tandaradey, Convivium Musicum, coph nia, corde oblique, cornix maledictum, corpus delicti, corsican paintbrush, corvus corax, cotton ferox, courtis, covenant, cradle of spoil, cream viii, creaming jesus, crepuscule, crow head, cruachan, cruci-fiction, cruxshadows, cryptic carnage, culture of darkened fires, cultus ferox, cumulo nimbus, current 93, currituck county,, cyber axis, cycloon, cyclotimia, cynfeirdd chorus,

these girls(prussian blue) = nazi scum


i like this masterpiece


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My Blog

drinking beer

drinking beer
Posted by semigothic on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 04:59:00 PST