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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Music! I've always loved it, especially cross-overs and stuff to dance on "with your hips-belly-and-soul", but not only that...: my life is filled with pop, and rock, from 80's new wave thru Jazzmatazz and Bristol Sound to the Cold Play. I'm some kind of "World Music" explorer too, with a light preference for fusion, a positive extension of - I believe - the complex globalization we do live in. I shiver when lyrics talk to me, express what - maybe - I am looking for, give me ideas, reflect my thoughts or feelings better than I would tell you myself or gently - but truly - try to change the world. But sometimes, just a voice, an instrument, a movie or a book can have the same effect. Kids! I naively still want to think that they all deserve a better life and should be given a family if they are alone. I hate "prepotenza", abuse and bullying. I do not understand why the planet is passing out in our arms and why many people just (Sigh!) don't care. Dreams!...I'm an immigrant for love, a bad-tempered altruist, a lazy hyper-active idealist, an absent-minded perfectionist, a kitsch little girl who wished she never grew up but would never go backwards, and, if you accept me the way I am a loyal friend.I did my own layout inspired by ~*~BroKeN~*~

My Interests

Bruci la città e crolli il grattacielo rimani tu da solo nudo sul mio letto. Bruci la città o viva nel terrore nel giro di due ore svanisca tutto quanto svanisca tutto il resto.E tutti quei ragazzi come te non hanno niente come te io non posso che ammirare non posso non gridare che ti stringo sul mio cuore per proteggerti dal male che vorrei poter cullare il tuo dolore il tuo dolore. Muoia sotto un tram più o meno tutto il mondo esplodano le stelle esploda tutto questo. Muoia quello che è altro da noi due almeno per un poco almeno per errore.E tutti quei ragazzi come te non hanno niente come te IO VORREI DARMI DA FARE FORSE ESSERE MIGLIORE FARTI SCUDO COL MIO CUORE DA CATASTROFI E PAURE IO NON HO NIENTE DA FARE QUESTO E' QUELLO CHE SO FARE IO NON POSSO CHE ADORARE NON POSSO CHE... leccare questo tuo profondo amore questo tuo profondo non posso che adorare questo tuo profondo...

I'd like to meet:

... Patient and loving pals possibly with an inner engine similar to mine. Positive people, change agents, new talents or at least talents that are unknown to me!


African, Latin and Oriental music, hybrid genres (World Music fusion/Arab fusion). Pop-rock. Hiphop/Trip/Soul/Funk. Jazz rap. A forever-passion for Rachid Taha. More names: Jovanotti, Anouar Brahem, Ry Cooder, Franco Battiato, Arno, Ligabue; Michael Bublè, Cat Stevens, Souad Massi, Noir Désir, U2, Zemfira, Depeche Mode... My ideal female singer is an icone that stands somewhere in-between Patti Smith, Natasha Atlas, Madonna, Bjork, Gwen Stefani and Gianna Nannini.


An old passion, maybe for that reason jusr a few names have survived: Godard, Wang Kar Wai, Jarmush, Ken Loach. Some movies I'll never forget: "Quando sei nato non puoi più nasconderti" di Giordana. "Genghis Blues" di Roko Belic. "Buena Vista Social Club" di Wim Wenders. "Latcho Drom" di Tony Gatliff. "Ice Age 2". I love anime and Bollywood imagery.


Italian TV: Le Iene, Report, Che tempo fa?. French TV: Tout le monde en parle, Taratata. But in the reality show era, TV is - for me - the best sleeping pill! I prefer Internet.



Hard to say: books are sensual objects that can change your life and "that" book may be one book only by any author or just one paragraph. It's a perfume, a fetish, a holiday in words. Names: Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Joe Fante, Khalil Gibran, Pablo Neruda.


My Blog

Always be yourself along the way

Bambina dei ricordi che tu perdi in te stessa nell'invecchiare, nel crescere, nel dolore. Svaniscono i sogni e sei a dirti "Non li devo lasciare andare via", mentre dovresti ...
Posted by kelma on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 09:14:00 PST

Surfing Myspace...

Images from other myspaces... Hemmm. Where have I ended upon? Dima Bilan.  Was it a case or ... ? Below: I love contrasts (with above  ): Above again: me, as a man, after surfing in...
Posted by kelma on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 03:57:00 PST

What the Italian and French statements on my page mean:

Top left: "Ti credi un grande elefante ma la savana è molto più grande di te!" = "You think you are one big elephant, but the savanna is much bigger than U are!" (mandingo tradition) Left column anima...
Posted by kelma on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 01:42:00 PST


My God I miss home so much! Home (Michael Buble')Un altro giorno d'estate Another summer dayE' venuto e andato via Is come and gone awaySia a Parigi sia a Roma In Paris and Romema io vogl...
Posted by kelma on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 08:25:00 PST

Les yeux de ma mère

Quelle douleur cette chanson, douleur de beauté, d'interprétation, de verité... Plus forte que Tom Waits, Edith Piaf, Jacques brel. J'en reste sans mots... accrochée depuis deux jours aux seules ...
Posted by kelma on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 12:25:00 PST

En amour tous les hommes sont égaux.

NaïmSais-tu que l'on peut mourir d'AmourEn hiverPlus vite que l'on meurt de froid ? Naïm,Sais-tu que l'on peut mourir d'AmourAu soleilSans manquer de pain, ni de selDe vin, ni d'esprit ? Naïm,Pour p...
Posted by kelma on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 12:19:00 PST

The life of a butterfly

"Non importa quanto campa la farfalla, ma come campa, se è amata e se ha amato."   "How much lived a butterfly is not important. what counts is how it can live, if it is being loved and...
Posted by kelma on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 04:56:00 PST


Gorgeous! This song is killing me!!!! Taking my soul away... You know when you think you'll never recover from a pain and notes capture your tears in a flow of fullness. That's exactly it. Powerfully ...
Posted by kelma on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 01:41:00 PST

Ode al suo aroma

Pablo Neruda Ode al suo aroma Mia dolce, di che profumi,di quale frutto,di quale stella, di quale foglia? Vicinoalla tua piccola orecchiao sulla frontemi chino,inchiodoil naso tra i capellie il sorris...
Posted by kelma on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 09:37:00 PST

It's a wild world

Wild World Lyrics (Cat Stevens) Now that I've lost everything to you You say you wanna start something new And it's breakin' my heart you're leavin' Baby, I'm grievin' But if you wanna leave, take goo...
Posted by kelma on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 11:56:00 PST