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D!v@ JoV3'

I am here to seduce you into a love of life; to help you to become a little more poetic; to help you

About Me

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D Dysfunctional
I Insane
V Virile
A Arty
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Online Now Icons Aries

You are so full of energy, you constantly attract hotties, and you are always the dominant one in the sack. It is very easy for you approach people because you have so much confidence and you are very forward about your feelings. You are very likely to have lots of sexual partners, (sometimes all at once), and be the most sexually experienced of any of your friends. Sex matches: Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.com

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My Interests

Create Your Own!My interests are my Family, Especially my beautiful son Solan who is the cutest and sweetest person in the world. My friends who are always here for me. My great love for all sorts of music and danceing! My art and the art of others! I also like skateboarding, snowboarding, playing hack, Acting goofy, Doing make up, going to parties and shows! Fishing...yes fishing, Spooky clubs, traveling, Candy, Muses, Angels, and Fairytales come true. True love , A better world , and adventures. Sweets Beauty art love Playing videogames, Checking out girls and on occation boys. Slaping Applejaxs butt. trying to play my guitar. Looking at toys. Reading . talking blah blah blah
Create Your Own!Last But Not Least My beautiful, Charming, Extraordinary, husband Jerry Robert Cote', Father to my daughter Jade, prince of my heart for always and forever. Jerry, When my time comes you better be the Angel who leads me to the pearly Gates and my dance partner for the rest of eternity at that big Jam in the Sky. Live in my Heart, Apart of my soul, Always as One like you promised Forever. Rest In Peace My Love."And how we'd wish to live in the Sensual World, You don't need words, Just one kiss then another..."
Your Angel is free spirited. No one can tell her
what to do. She has no fear and trustes every
one. But be carful you can't trust
eeeeeeeeeevery one WING TIPE= one and thin
ELEMENT= weather ANIMAL= eagle COLOR= gold
NAME= Lilly

What kind of Angel is inside of your heart ( awesome pics)
brought to you by Quizilla What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and creativity, and usually are highly intelligent. Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.
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I'd like to meet:

Id like to meet all sorts of people because I can learn something from everyone! I Love artists, writers, Poets, Philosophers, musicians, Dreamers, Lovers, troublemakers, Eccentrics and well everyone except for homicidal ,maniac , wierdoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeos who would like to kill me! Not Even Johnny the Homicidal Maniac! Which Tank Girl Character Are You???
You are Booga!In a previous life you were a sweet loyal dog, so when you were reincarnated, you got upgraded to human status...well, sort of. OK, so you're a mutant kangaroo, but you're still lovable and you'll do anything for the people you care for. And you've got some serious strength!
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i love Bi'jork!!!!! And all other music except for polka! im down with the hardcore, the classics, the new stuff...everything!****************************Atmospere, Dj Rap, B'JORK,AK1200, Bloodhound Gang, Vast, Slipknot, happy hardcore, FreakyFlow,The gathering ,Arch enemy, in Flames ,DJ Dara ,Static-X, the Strokes, KMFDM , Keokie, Fear factory, Beastie Boys, 30sec to mars, Killers House, Roy Davis JR, Hole, Daft punk, Rija, Wagon christ, Tracy lords, Cajmere,danny the wild Child, the sugar cubes, blink182,DJ 3D, Rusted Root, Towie tay, tory Amous Old dirty bastard YayYayYeahs, Dregs,Martina Topley Bird,Tricky, NiN ,Sasha, French disco, Smashing pumkins, Busta, Offspring, Siouix and the Banshees, Moby, Nirvana, Portishead, THE MISFITS, Richard Humpty vistion, Efle65, white zombie, Rammstien, Radiohead,Pepe Bradrock, Pussy galore, Phantom 45, Praga khan, Bright eyes, Matishyahou, Stabbing Westward, AFI, Tekite, Distillars, micro, ICP, The cure, Marilyn manson, The smiths, Kimboll Collins, Crazy town, Kittie, Kyle Monoe,lords of acid, Goth stuff, Incubus, life house,Gasparminga, Cradle of Filth, Vaporizer, Green jelly, Vanishen Snars, Delta FUCKING 9, Sex pistols, Sublime,The Gorillaz, JhonB, The doors, Mayzy Star, C. Twins, Econiline crush Korn, Linkin park, Dj clever, Pantara,Soundcrombie, Carl coxs, head automatica, BT, TypONegitive Rasputina, christian death, Mindless self indulgence, Bauhaus,lots of 80s music, New order, Erasure,

Free Cursors


I love all sorts of movies! I should go on a game show for it. i'll start with what i own. Wizards, RockN'rule, FeardotCom. EvilDead12&3. The Notebook, Texas Chainsaw Massicars,The Doom Generation,Snatch, Donnie Darko,Xmen, Underworld, Anything vampires, Cursed,The Craft,Carrie,Dune, The last unicorn,Enough, Bollywood movies,The Godfathers, James Bond, Anything Quintain Tarantino, CecilBDeemented, NowHere, Fight club, Sid and Nancey,Spun, Tromeo& Juliet and Other Troma movies,Moulin Rouge,Little Nicky and all Adam Sandler movies. Miyuki-chan in Wonder land and lots of other Animes like Ghost in the shell 1&2, X, and excetera,Labyrinth, MirrorMask, The Phantom of the Opera,Interstella 555 The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem, Ju-on,tomie,Tale of two sisters,The Dark Crystal, The Brothers Grimm, In the Company Of Wolves, Ginger Snaps, Dune, Halloween,Zoolander, Ringu,THe Last Minute. The Vevet Goldmine, Party Monster Boon dock saints, Formula 51, A Clockwork Orange, The crows,
There was me, that is Alex, and my three droogs, that is Pete, Georgie, and Dim, and we sat in the Korova Milkbar trying to make up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening. The Korova milkbar sold milk-plus, milk plus vellocet or synthemesc or drencrom, which is what we were drinking. This would sharpen you up and make you ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence. "The world is changed because you are made of ivory and gold. The curves of your lips rewrite history."


The Tribe, Dora The Explora, Fosters home for Imaginary Friends, Billy And Mandys Grimm Adventures, Ghost in the Shell, Boondocks, Family Guy, Teen Titains, Invader Zim


Memoirs of a Geisha, Dune All of them, The Scanner Darkly, Wicked, 1984, Brave New World,tanwy Scrawny Lion. The left Hand Of Darkness,The Ivory and the horn,Anis NIn,Good Omens,Theif of Nowhere, Anna Rice books I forget what else. Ive read a hella books throughout my life and will read a hella more. Blue Sky myspace layout


My son, Super Milk Chan, Aeon Flux, Shirly Temple,and the cookie monster who taught me how to share!

My Blog

No I don't want Your Penis Stop trying to Fcuk me

What the fuck? If Im constently ignoring you maybe you should give up? im not that great anyway Im not out to FUCK anyone except maybe that one person but if your not that person..and please do ...
Posted by D!v@ JoV3' on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 01:24:00 PST

greeting citizens

we are liveing in the age of money success fame glamore ouchie birth controll injections that make my arm hurty pretty babies who coax the sun to rise with soft sweet wimpers silly crazy tattoo faced ...
Posted by D!v@ JoV3' on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 07:05:00 PST

Circles, Trails, Journeys, Circles

Circles, Trails, Journeys, Circles........ back from Miami. He was waiting for me on my porch. Dreads hugging his Face. So I kicked it with him. Followed him to his crappy house filled with crazy...
Posted by D!v@ JoV3' on Wed, 30 May 2007 08:41:00 PST

Not my Boyfriend..awwwww

Posted by D!v@ JoV3' on Wed, 23 May 2007 01:20:00 PST


Wrap me up in ribbonslike i am your gifti'll twinkle like diamondsyou grow flowers from my lipsYou bite hard in my mindmemories saved for all timesavored laiter when your gone.....I wont let you knowu...
Posted by D!v@ JoV3' on Mon, 21 May 2007 03:49:00 PST

Wake Up Diva

So it seems that some invisible evil force wants to kill her will to live.Fuck off invisible force of EVIL making my Big giant Blog Disappear When Vibrant  positivity was going strait from my hea...
Posted by D!v@ JoV3' on Mon, 14 May 2007 10:52:00 PST

me and jerrys happy dance song

Everytime We Touch Lyrics...
Posted by D!v@ JoV3' on Tue, 08 May 2007 08:20:00 PST

my life sucks

i hate itmy best friends are too busy for meeveryone is too busy for meim freaking out thanks fuckers for makeing me latethanks fate for the big fuck offsthankyou me for being meIm bout to erase this ...
Posted by D!v@ JoV3' on Tue, 08 May 2007 04:44:00 PST

He says ooooooh Diva

He said it once and she said what?He said it twice and she said huh?He said it Againoooooooohhhhhh divaand she said OH MY GoD!!that was HawtSo I'm apple cheeked tickled pinktoes all curledsay my name,...
Posted by D!v@ JoV3' on Sun, 06 May 2007 01:09:00 PST

the moon the sun and the sky

Its another new night in my life. Im facing it the right way I guess, without impurities and shallow faces. As pretty as it is, It seems impossible to enjoy it without thinking out loud, why I adore i...
Posted by D!v@ JoV3' on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 09:46:00 PST