Gypsy Violet profile picture

Gypsy Violet

I have been called a gypsy, tramp, and a thief. I am only two out of zhe three...I am no thief!

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

Zis is simple. I am Roma drabarni, vich mean I am vat you call a "gypsy" and I read ze cards and crystal ball. I like valks in ze moonlight, dancing vith veils, and eating *cough* spending quality time vith ze childrens.I discover zat my grasp of funny English-speak and my ability to do the to be much better zan some of ze people on here.Ve are in village of Fairhaven from zhe Ok-to-bers to zhe No-vem-bers. I am vanting to see new Qveen of country and become court astrologer. Zhey get to sit at her feet near her purses...I vonder if she vould notice vone going missing?Vhe vould like to give many thanks to zhe Joshua Steinke at IFL Photo and Kevin Hedgecock for zhe many portraits of Gypsy lady taken at zhe 14th Annual Carolina Renaissance Festival.

My Interests

Childrens (for lunch), pocket-picking, tarot and ze crystal ball, dancing, moneys, more pocket-picking, travelling (but I do not like ze big vaters vith ze ships and such), frogs, curses, spells, even more pocket-picking...

I'd like to meet:

Vell, ze Lord Mayor of ze town I am in now seems to be qvite handsome, for a gadje. He seems to be a simple "gip," as it vere. Zat Bullfrog is a silly little toad, zho. He keeps breaking promise. Every time he throw me out of village, he promises me oranges and decide to let me in. He has never given Violet zhose clementines! Last time I borrowed something indefinitely froms him, I got a sapphire ring and a matching vhite gold band. *Note to self* Try to pick his pockets again.King Henry VIII and Qveen Anne are visiting zhe village. God save zhe King and Qveen! God save zhe crown! God keep zhem both far avay from me! Wait a I remember, zhey are always surround vith fancy rich peoples. *Note to self* Try to pick zeir pockets.
You scored as III - The Empress. The Empress is a maternal symbol. She is the mother figure who loves, nurtures and protects. She will protect you, she will always be there when you are in trouble. When you fall over and graze your knee, the Empress will kiss it better. Yet she is not a weak figure. Her compassion is strength. If her children are threatened she will stop at nothing to protect them. If well aspected in a Tarot spread, the Empress can symbolise security, protection and unconditional love. If badly aspected it can represent over-protectiveness, fear of risk taking and refusal to face the real world.


Drum-beats from home country, tambourine, zils, ze stuff zey call Kel-ticks, strange northern harp-thingy, and Banned from ze Renaissance


Zere is nothing vorse zan a horse who movies in front of your vagon. It gets all on your boots and people look at you funnies all day, sniffing ze air.


Zis is vat I do when I read ze cards. I television to you, and you give me moneys.


Garlic: Friend or Foe?; Chaucer's Treatise on ze Astrolabe; To Serve Hansel and Gretel


Vhy all ze silly qvestions? Obviously, zis is how I got here. I pay ze ship captain, travel over ze great big river, and get into a smaller boat. Zat man who is in ze little boat, heroes me to shore so I can get to zis England place.