♥ Star-Gloria ♥ profile picture

♥ Star-Gloria ♥

Welcome 2 My World..." Don't Be Afraid.. Come On In..

About Me

"If u want me in your life then find a way 2put me there..."

MySpace Codes
Hi there! My name is Star-Gloria and yes that is my REAL BIRTH GIVEN NAME. Not first & middle nor is it my first & last & yes Ive already checked& no my parents swear that they were never hippies.. (go figure) lol..
This is where I get to see how many people actually pay attention & no matter where I place it or how many times I say this people still call me Gloria (I hate that…lol). If anything everyone pretty much just calls me Star for short. Hmm… *NOTE 2 SELF*: Place this note on every single picture right across your “T-n-A”. I bet it wont get over looked there… AH-HA!
ANYWAYZZZZZZZZZ… (still laughing) Where was I? Oh yeah… I'm a very affectionate, fun loving, down to earth, intelligent, and sophisticated gal who is ultra sexy & feminine...
I’m a well rounded woman (and no I’m not talking physical features..lol) That has a good head on her shoulders. I know who I am, I know what I want and I know exactly where I’m going but I’m also smart enough to know that’s its also just as important to always remember where you came from and to never forget about all the lessons you’ve learned along the way.
I would have to say that my best feature is my personality. I'm most likely to be seen smiling or laughing & I enjoy establishing a business or friendship relationship with most everyone I meet. I can go from business woman to adventurer in 2.2 seconds.
I am Sweet and Demure. A lady in public but a freak behind closed doors. No I don't sleep around but when I do find someone & we become "INVOLVED" I do enjoy sex & LOTS OF IT!! ;0) I'd love it if it were the first thing I woke up to every morning & the last thing I did every night.As Im sure you can tell I have a very very creative side to me, a very sexual side to me which allows me to create the things I do. Id love to have a man who will love & support that side of me. Someone who enhances & explores with me all my visions & ultimately inspires me to create bigger & better things. Very.. very sexy things. I guess Im looking for MY "Muse"..."I will NEVER have to bring sexy back because WITH & WITHIN ME is where sexy lives...."Never forget that.. (winks) I embrace that side of me and am very proud of the fact that I can help bring that out in others as well. I actually received a letter from a lady who says my designs brought back the spice in her marriage. Her husband cant take his hands off her and after thanking me promised that they had agreed that should she ever conceive & it be a girl they would name her after me. Now how freak'in cool is that!!? Its awesome & I love it...Okay enough of the good stuff lets get back to the boring basics...blah..blah..blah.. (lol...just kidding)
There is so much to experience in life and being that I’m a woman who’s driven by my passion of accomplishing my goals & dreams it seems difficult to find a man who can respect & support that especially when I would do the same for him.
So if you’re ready for some sugar and spice that’s dipped in class then look no further. Every moment holds the gift of choice, and I choose to create an extraordinary life full of adventure and love…
You are fun loving and independent, and you don’t like any of your partners to get in the way of that. You enjoy having a lot of flings and short term relationships because you get bored in a long term one. In bed you are demanding of your partner. You want to have hot sex all of the time. You also like to experiment sexually, with different positions and fantasies. Sex matches: Aries, Leo, Libra

My Interests

AS OF 07/17/2007...

Show me luv by visiting my hot babies at... ....Mmmmmuahzzzzzz!

**CLICK HERE** (on photo) **CLICK HERE** (on photo)
(2 View A Clip Of My)1st Fashion Show

"Don't Just Party" Like A RockStar.. Look Like One Too - *Star-Gloria*

Also dont 4get to visit my photo album section to view more of my hot designs...

(my lips)


I'd like to meet:

"I’ve built a wall not to block anyone out but to see who loves me enough to climb over it"................I’m looking for my soul mate, my best friend, & my partner in crime. Starting off with friendship & as we get to know each other gradually working into the other three. He’d have to be clean cut (a man that not only looks good but smells good too does to me what kryptonite does to superman...YEAH BABY...!!!). I myself take personal hygiene very seriously so my man would have to as well.. Scrub my back & I'll scrub yours if you know what I mean.. ;0)He’d definitely have to be a non-smoker standing 5’8 or taller with a decent to athletic build. An educated professional who can hold a good conversation, because I not only need a man that knows how to make love to my body but knows how to make love to my mind as well.He should be a communicator because I feel that is very important in a relationship & he should also not find it hard when admitting his faults. He should also be a hopeless romantic with a good sense of humor & when it comes to having fun he'd be down for just about anything.Spontaneity as well as the ability to find the fun in anything that he does scores big in my book & he should welcome nights out on the town as well as “blockbuster” evenings alone at home (my place or yours…winks) with lots & lots of cuddling involved. A definite plus would be someone who posses the “Jekyll & Hyde” trait very much like myself in the sense of being a good boy that can be very bad. (laughs)I want someone who will go to the end of the earth for me like a true life partner would since I would do the same. An individual who has a general love for life & for people (other than yourself) & understands that you should never take anything or anyone for granted because nothing is guaranteed forever. He should share in the same belief that there’s no such thing as knowing too much & be open to learning & doing new things and above all know how to live life fully and a little on the edge.He would have to be a true gentleman who knows how to treat a lady and is respectful of all around him and last but not at the very least he should be someone who’s been there done that & PLAYS NO GAMES! Don't tell me what you think I want to hear just because you think it’ll get you through the door because eventually once the real you comes out (and eventually he will) that door you’ve worked so hard to walk through will be the same one you walk right back out of. Just be yourself (I mean seriously how bad can “YOU” really be?)…. With me what you see is what you get. I am who I am and I won't try to be anything more or less than that. “Love me or leave me” is my motto.I don't ask for much.. just respect & love with a partner who can view me as his equal and nothing less. Someone who truly knows how to treat and “KEEP” a good self sufficient woman.Whew... This list is just getting longer & longer (no wonder why I'm still single..lol)Seriously though Im still single by choice & although my list may seem endless its only because Im very picky & I wont settle for anything less, therefore I would say I am selective and willing to wait it out for the one who grabs my attention and keeps it. That along with the fact that all that I ask for is what I have to offer my mate as well & I truly believe that it goes both ways & the man in my life would be very spoiled & in more ways than one.When I love I love unconditionally & I enjoy taking care of my man to no end. Did I mention I give GREAT massages.. (references available upon request.. HA!) (winks..)Finding someone has never been the problem it's finding the "RIGHT" one that poses the challenge. He's out there I know it & I'm going to find him. It's either that or I'm going to die trying.One last thing I guess if you've come this far & have managed to not fall asleep I'll just add that I adore people, everyone in general, and that the key to my heart is honesty, loyalty, and the capability of being real.If you should posses these hard to find traits then it would be "MY" pleasure in getting to know you.Oh.. And one last thing........ TIGHT BUTTS DRIVE ME NUTTS!!!! Sorry? (blushing) I just had to get that out. (winks)

Your True Love Is a Gemini
Why you'll love a Gemini:

Witty and sharp, a Gemini can keep up with your fast (and ever changing) mind.
You're both fun loving and free spirits. You and a Gemini can enjoy each other without expectations.

Why a Gemini will love you:

Not only can you keep up with a Gemini's sharp tongue, you can introduce a challenge or two...
You're appetite for fun and novelty will keep a Gemini interested - at least for a bit longer than usual!






My Blog

Yet another amazing poem.. Thank u Bill.. Xos..

Bill I'm so sorry but I never properly posted this. I absolutely love it & I think it deserves to be properly posted along with all my other favorites. Thanks again... Mmmmuahzzzz!! Star& The...
Posted by ♥ Star-Gloria ♥ on Mon, 26 May 2008 10:12:00 PST

Luvin All The Love I Get From My Talented Friends..

    Once again Ive been blessed with such a wonderful gift  from yet another very talented friend. I just want to say thank you to everyone for all the love & for taking the time t...
Posted by ♥ Star-Gloria ♥ on Wed, 07 May 2008 09:12:00 PST

Cheers 2 Amazing Friends....

      Razor sharp are the winds of night, that lay in the eyes of your heart. Tipped pools of never ending passions that taste the night of your hungers that reap the harvest of your d...
Posted by ♥ Star-Gloria ♥ on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 11:38:00 PST

Ive been blessed w/so many beautiful friends.. From the bottom of my heart thank u so much...

   To The Fabulous and Fantastic Ms. Star-Gloria   A Muse is a Muse, but when it is a Muse such as you only once in a life time do they bring forth declarations as this.....Some creat...
Posted by ♥ Star-Gloria ♥ on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 02:53:00 PST

Another beautiful poem from another beautiful friend...

As always I post poems written to me that I absolutely love from my dearest of friends. This one is from my bestest myspace buddy/partner in crime (tsk..tsk..) Luv ya Dee& Mmmuahzzzzzzzz!   The ...
Posted by ♥ Star-Gloria ♥ on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 10:14:00 PST

20 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Level of Insanity

 20 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Level of Insanity 01. At Lunch Time, Sit in Your Parked Car with Sunglasses on and     Point a Hair Dryer at Passing Cars. See If They Slow Do...
Posted by ♥ Star-Gloria ♥ on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 01:20:00 PST

Another Poem That I Absolutely Love Written 2 Me From A Friend..

  If a kiss were a raindrop, I'd send you showers If hugs were a second, I'd send you hours If smiles were water, I'd send you the sea If love was a person, I'd send you meKiss..Luca...
Posted by ♥ Star-Gloria ♥ on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 01:15:00 PST

*A Poem Written 2Me By A Dear Friend*

  My dear friend... With stlye and grace and angelic face,or weather its leather or lace ,ur my best friend on myspace,your a cut above the rest,thru lifes hard times u past the test ,it too...
Posted by ♥ Star-Gloria ♥ on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 01:49:00 PST

More things 2make u go "Hmmm..."

MORE THINGS 2MAKE YOU GO.. HMMM&   ·       When French people swear do they say pardon my English? ·       Can you get cornered in a r...
Posted by ♥ Star-Gloria ♥ on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 03:25:00 PST


   In a friend, lover, and in all the people  To whom I am blessed to share my life with     It does not interest me what you do for a living.  But I do want to ...
Posted by ♥ Star-Gloria ♥ on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 01:55:00 PST