I like lot's of things, mostly the pretty ones.
David Bowie
David Bowie, David Bowie, Radiohead, Hot Hot Heat, The Killers, The Bravery, Q Lazzarus, Depeche Mode, Tears for Fears, Billy Idol, KENNA, Portishead, Morcheeba, Sigur Ros, Postal Service, Rilo Kiley, Death Cab for Cutie, Interpol, Kanye West, Bizzy Bone, Gorillaz, Blur, Mos Def, Bob Marley, Damien Marley, Morrissey, Hall -n- Oates shhhhhhit* Rufas Wainwright, Bloc Party, Adam Ant, Afghan Whigs, Cee-Lo, OutKast, Frank Sinatra, and the beat goes on...
I love Takashi Miike.. and many, many, many more. I truly love film and usually try to get my hands on everything.
Adult Swim, LOST, NBA, UFC. I don't know this is what I usually see but I don't watch a whole lotta tv.
House of Leaves, The Alchemist, Haunted.