Recording bands, writing and playing music. Fatherhood, Genetics, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Physics (especially astrophysics), History before the last Ice Age, History after the last Ice Age, the mind and how it works (science of consiousness), Religions, etc, etc, etc
People who are genuine and kind - with a good sense of humor. Musicians who are interested in recording.Buddha, YHWH, Einstein, Darwin, Jesus, Lennon, Bono, I don't know - I am sure there are others.
U2, Radiohead, The Police, REM, Echo & The Bunnymen, The Smiths, The Replacements, Paul Westerberg, XTC, World Party, The Flaming Lips, Beck, Richard Thompson, The Who, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Wilco, Califone, Detholz!, J Dimenna, Roses's Pawn Shop, The Life and Times, Tom Waits, Margot & The Nuclear So and Sos, The Silver State, Pravada, America Owns The Moon, Phyllis, Little Voice, CABIN, The Fervor, The Humans, Gentleman Caller, Brando, The Bon Savants, The Saturday Nights, Lunar Event, Red Light Driver, Otis Gibbs, Marmoset, everthus.the.deadbeats, etc, etc, etc
I have only watched any movie I have ever seen ONCE. Not sure why, but that is what I do. Anything by Francis Ford-Coppola, Martin Scorsese, Robert Altman, Woddy Allen, Wes Anderson, David Lynch, The Cohen Brothers, Michael Moore, Spike Jonze, Alfred Hitchcock, Brian DePalma, Tim Burton, Terry Gilliam, Stanley Kubrick, Steven Spielberg, Peter Weir, Wim Wenders
Discovery Channel, History Channel, A&E. Other than that most TV sucks ass. Sometimes I watch that too.
Fingerprints of The Gods, The Templar Revelation, The Sign and The Seal, Secret Societies, The Science of God, Genome
YHWH, Buddha, Leonardo Da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Issac Newton, Watson & Crick, Graham Hancock, John Lennon, Bono, Paul Westerberg, Jeff Tweedy, Jeb Banner, others