I like stuff, stuff, and more stuff.
Jane & Jeff.. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..
Drive By Truckers, Afghan Whigs, Tori Amos, Ani Difranco, Blind Melon, Brad, Counting Crows, Dinosaur Jr., Phish, Pearl Jam, Polyphonic Spree, Flips, Beta Band, Radiohead, Bell Fleck and the Flecktones, Moody Blues, Stones, Beatles, Who, Hendrix, Clapton, Stevie-Ray, Ween, Twilight Singers, Abandon Jalopy, Unified Theory, Uncle Tupelo, Wilco, Sun Volt, Jayhawks, Victoria Williams, Soul Coughing, Talking Heads, Pink Floyd, Rage, MMW, Galactic, Tribe, Jay-Z, Busta, De La Soul, Roots, Santana, Beastie Boys, Sunny Day Real Estate, At The Drive In, Mars Volta, Texas is the Reason, Maceo Parker, Meters, Frank Zappa, Captain Beefheart, Smashing Pumpkins, Tool, Portishead, Primus, Buckethead, Velvet Underground, Beck, Legion of Mary, Sun Ra, Mile Davis, Danny Elfman, Pavement, Elvis Costello, Otis Redding, Dylan, CCR, Johnny Cash, Neil Young, Jeff Buckley, Cream, Curtis Mayfield, Snoop, Dre, Duane Allman, John Coltrane, Stevie Wonder, Aretha, The Band, and the gods only know how many more I have forgotten... width="425" height="350" ..
Venture Bros, Homicide: Life on the Streets, Babylon 5, Simpsons, West Wing, Sports Night, Oz, Pretender, Taxi, Mash, The Maxx, The Muppet Show, Batman the Animated Series, WKRP, Barney Miller, Green Wing, Coupling, Spaced, Dr. Who, CSpan, Family Guy, Futurama, Space Ghost: Coast to Coast and the rest of Adult Swim, Looney Tunes, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Twin Peaks, Dead Like Me, Miami Vice, Kids in the Hall, The State, Lost, Night Court, The Critic, China Beach, The Daily Show, Northern Exposure, The Young Ones, Fraggle Rock, and Late Night with Conan O'Brien.
Everything by Vonnegut, HST, Neil Gaiman, Tim O'Brien, Christopher Moore, Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett, Steve Niles, Trudeau, Palahniuk, Kerouac and others I am forgetting. Individual books, everybody should read; Cat's Cradle, Dharma Bums, Big Sur, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Good Omens, Discworld Series, Things Fall Apart, Lamb, Choke, Survivor, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Waiting for Godot, The Zoo Story, A River Runs Through It, Island, Kingdom of Fear, SlapStick, Bluebeard, The Things They Carried, Transmetropolitan, Preacher, and many many more.
Giles Cory, Hunter S. Thompson, Kilgore Trout, Oliver Queen, Lucifer the Morning Star, my dad and the Batman