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I am here for Friends

About Me

hmmm...bout mei??!!!...im pReTty....seXy and dEfinitELY a.... !!!EyE cATchER!!!....hehehehe....=).....im sImplE, eaSy t0 dEaL witH, intELLigEnT nd hArd w0rkinG pErs0n..nd im a kinD 0f gUrL thAt neVer give Up whEn i waNT s0mething...i usually gETs all i want...eVEn i fAilEd i take it as a chaLLenge t0 get wat i wAnt...h0neStly regarding on my looks..... It might be deceiving....I might look as if im a party-goer, but Im actually NOT!!!! my looks does not seem to magnify my interests and the inner side of me....s0mE pe0ple find me sn0bbish and matarAy..!!!BUT IM NOT!!!...coz thE truth is iM vEry friEndLy nd eAsy t0 appr0ach pErs0n....I love doing kikay stuffs, but there is more beyond i've always wanted to put things in its right place..I've always wanted to be organized but if things don't work the way I want it to be I stumble and cry...then, I just think that watever is happening in my life has itrs own reason..REAS0N made by GOD thats what making me continue living despite of life challenges I've always define SUCCESS as the moment when I stands up everytime I fall;PI am an ultimate dreamer...I'm optimistic of the future.............my DECISIONS at present are depended on what my past had thought and what I dream of the FUTURE.......My Brains are always working 24-7 thinking whats gonna happen next........I plan my life hence, I never make decisions that would make my life neither worse 0r worst specially bout my luvlife...............=).......(nd i aLwAyS bEliEVe in destiny...that some0ne is meant f0r mE!!!)...There are only a few who only know who really I am.......of course aside frm my family my dearest friends........ur free to describe me...to judge me( we are all vested by that freedom).............Ur comments or testimonials are importAnt...I want to know how people perceive who I am....At least it is a manifestation of my reputation and character...=)............WANNA KNOW MORE BOUT ME?!!!....JUST ADD ME UP AT MY FRIENDSTER [email protected]....=) MyGen Profile Generator You are emotionally stable and willing to find common ground with others.Your friends and family often look to you to be the mediator when there is conflict.You are easy going and accepting. You take things as they come.Avoding conflict at all costs, you're content when things are calm. What number are you?
Your Dominant Intelligence is Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
You are great at finding patterns and relationships between things. Always curious about how things work, you love to set up experiments. You need for the world to make sense - and are good at making sense of it. You have a head for numbers and math ... and you can solve almost any logic puzzle.You would make a great scientist, engineer, computer programmer, researcher, accountant, or mathematician. What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?
Your Element Is Fire
Your passion and emotion are as obvious as the brightest flame. You make sparks fly, and your passion always has the potential to burst out.You are exciting and creative - and completely unpredictable. You sometimes exercise control, and sometimes you let yourself go.Friends describe you as sensitive, spirited, and compulsive. Bright and blazing with intensity, you seem mysterious and moody to many.
Ais forAltruistic
Lis forLoud
Ais forAlert
Iis forInsane
Lis forLikeable
Ais forAmazing
His forHonorable What Does Your Name Mean? What's Your Element?
You Are a Visionary Soul
You are a curious person, always in a state of awareness. Connected to all things spiritual, you are very connect to your soul. You are wise and bright: able to reason and be reasonable. Occasionally, you get quite depressed and have dark feelings.You have great vision and can be very insightful. In fact, you are often profound in a way that surprises yourself. Visionary souls like you can be the best type of friend. You are intuitive, understanding, sympathetic, and a good healer.Souls you are most compatible with: Old Soul and Peacemaker Soul What Kind of Soul Are You?
100 Years by Five for Fighting
"Every day's a new day... 15 there's still time for you Time to buy and time to choose Hey 15, there's never a wish better than this When you only got 100 years to live"2004 was about thinking and reflecting - but isn't every year? What 2004 Hit Song Are You?
You Are 21 Years Old
21 Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. What Age Do You Act?
You Are a Chihuahua Puppy
Small, high strung, and loyal. You do best in the city with a adults - young kids could crush you! What Breed of Puppy Are You?
You are 67% Scorpio
How much do you match your zodiac sign?
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... erotic
Your hugs are... friendly
Your eyes... sparkle like the stars
Your touch is... the only thing I desire
Your smell is... beautiful
Your smile is... hypnotising
Your love is... everlasting
Quiz created with MemeGen !
Your Birthdate: November 22
While sometimes employing unorthodox approaches, you are capable of handling large scale undertakings.You assume great responsibility and work long and hard toward completion.Often, especially in the early part of life, there is rigidity or stubbornness, and a tendency to repress feelings.Idealistic, you work for the greater good with a good deal of inner strength and charisma.An extremely capable organizer, but likely to paint with broad strokes rather than detail.You are very aware and intuitive.You are subject to a good deal of nervous tension. What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who have a split personality - cold as ice on the outside but hot as fire in the heart.
In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.
You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.
Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.
In this moment, you think of love as something you can get or discard anytime. You're feeling self centered. What Are The Keys To Your Heart?
Your Seduction Style: The Charmer
You're a master at intimate conversation and verbal enticement. You seduce with words, by getting people to open up to you. By establishing this deep connection quickly, people feel under your power. And then you've got them exactly where you want them! What Is Your Seduction Style?
You Are Not Scary
Everyone loves you. Isn't that sweet? How scary are you?

Your ..1 Match: ENFJ

The GiverYou strive to maintain harmony in relationships, and usually succeed. Articulate and enthusiastic, you are good at making personal connections. Sometimes you idealize relationships too much - and end up being let down. You find the most energy and comfort in social situations ... where you shine.You would make a good writer, human resources director, or psychologist. What's Your Personality Type?
How Your Attitude Ranks
Your Attitude is Better than 70% of the Population If you scored...80-100: You've got a winner attitude. You're always optimistic and cheery. Your personality will get you far in life.60-79: You have a good attitude. While a realist, you do see the positive side of most things. People love to be around you.40 - 59: You have a positive attitude... somtimes. You prefer to see the world through clear glasses, not rose colored ones.20 - 39: You have an average attitude. You take the good and bad in life as they come. Though sometimes you could use a little more good.0-19: You have a negative attitude. You tend to see the dark side of every situation. Free ice cream? No thanks, it will just make you fat! How's Your Attitude?

My Interests

swimming, meeting pe0ple

I'd like to meet:



RNB, acoustics


i stiL kn0w waT u did last sumer....tR0Y...thE last samurai.......wr0ng turn...


feAR Fact0r....chArmEd.....FRIENDS


acctg bo0ks...=)