Created by Crazyprofile.comThe challenge of success(although I believe success is a journey and not a destination, I strive to be consistently good at whatever I do), Human behavior, traveling, writing, acting, cooking, listening to music, anything that stimulates the brain and initiates intellectual motivation...oh yeah, and making money..."I'm not rich biiiyyyoootttcccchhhh!!!"
Cool and Interesting people, that are like minded, and are upstanding citizens...sssshhhhhiiiiiittttttt, yeah right!! I'm tryna meet people who stay true to themselves and know that, "if you do you, those that mind don't matter, and those that matter, don't mind..."
Music evokes emotion...so whatever mood I'm in, that's what I listen to. Except for country, and not really into slow grooves at the moment. Other than that, my taste varies from Hip Hop, reggae, Old School, and more Hip Hop.
Bamboozled, Do the right thing, Dead Presidents, The Warriors, Blood in Blood out, Scarface, Cooley High, Bad AAAASSSSS!!!, Saw 1 and 2, Clash of the Titans, 28 days later, Phone booth, Mystery of Chess Boxing, Hollywood shuffle, I'm gonna get you sucka!, Friday series, Scary Movie series, anything Denzel, anything Will Ferrell, and anything from "Major Independents films"... A Day in the life, Caught on Tape, Stick Up Kids...and many more coming soon!
Scare Tactics, The first 48hrs, Good Times, Martin, The Wayans Bros, The Jamie Foxx show, Punk'd, sportscenter, any cooking show, the Discovery Channel, and the History Channel
Practicing the Power of Now, The Celestine Prophecy, The Bible, The Millionairre Next Door, Pathways to Success, Biography of Malcom X, Never be Lied to Again, The art of Seduction
Mom and Pops (keep doing ya'll thang folk), Bob Dellegal(RIP), Gregory Hines(RIP), Marvin Merriweather(RIP), and anyone whose life has been prematurely cut short RIP.